View Full Version : Edge Helped Christian Get Over Stage Fright

Black Widow
07-16-2007, 04:23 PM
The following comes from Canoe SLAM! Wrestling:
Story written by: Tim Baines of the Ottawa Sun

Many years ago, a 10-year-old Jason Reso was petrified of standing in front of his classmates and reciting a speech he had memorized. Now, 23 years later, Reso has become Christian Cage, one of pro wrestling's biggest stars, and he's got no fear. He's the Instant Classic, a guy who has turned himself into a talker. "When people tell me I'm talented on the microphone, it blows me away," says Cage. "By nature, I'm a shy person.

"When I was younger, I was terrified of public speaking. It scared the life out of me.

"When I was around my friends, I was fine, but when I became the centre of attention, I went into a shell.

"When I got into wrestling, I was still scared to speak in front of people. When I got to WWE, I didn't speak at first.

"Then when Adam (Copeland, known as Edge) and I got to work together, we took what we did backstage and just turned the volume up. It really was a springboard for what I do today.

"There's really no fear now."

And that transcends into the ring where Cage is now a two-time world champ in TNA.

And while he currently doesn't hold the strap, he's got his eyes on it again.

"Whether I have the title or not, I view myself as one of the main guys on the show," he says. "I want to be a champion again. I never have a night where I go out there and just call it in."

"Harris kind of reminds me of me in a sense," says Cage. "I was known as a tag team wrestler and Edge and I split up. I had to find my own identity."

Cage says he was stunned to hear of the death of Chris Benoit, along with Benoit's wife Nancy and son Daniel.

"I was saddened and confused," says Cage. "I knew Chris pretty well. After I left WWE, we talked every other week for a couple of months. This wasn't the same guy we knew. That's what makes it so confusing."
