View Full Version : Damaja Done With TNA?, Other Notes

Flair Country
07-29-2007, 04:30 AM
- Homicide suffered a stinger in his neck at Hermie Sadler's Columbia, SC show on 7/21 in a match against Petey Williams.

- Terry Taylor, 51, Director of Talent Relations, needs a third neck fusion. He also needs his knees replaced.

- Dustin Rhodes is scheduled to do a gimmick called Platinum (you know, instead of Goldust).

- Damaja (Dan Basham) missed the 7/2 Impact taping as he never got a plane ticket to fly to Orlando, but TNA apparently still had an angle for him. He never called anyone including Doug Basham, and at this point, may already been done with the company.


07-29-2007, 04:32 AM
damaja is nothing special not a big loss

07-29-2007, 04:55 AM
damaja is nothing special not a big loss

I agree just someone TNA signed and thought they could use him in the tag division.