View Full Version : Plans To Pull Cruiserweight Title, Dusty/Orton, GAB

Dangerous Incorporated
07-29-2007, 09:51 AM
- Talks of putting the WWE Cruiserweight title on Hornswoggle began back around the Judgment Day PPV. At one point, the plan was to have Hornswoggle win the championship, which would have meant the end of the title, with the plan being to bring the belt back sometime next year with a different name.

- Dusty Rhodes asked for his Texas Bull Rope match with Randy Orton at The Great American Bash to be a short bout because of his age related limitations.

Speaking of the Bash, the HP Pavilion in San Jose was sold out with 13,851 in attendance, with about 12,500 paid for a gate around $700,000.

Source: WE

07-29-2007, 03:26 PM
how does that mean the end of the title? its a historic championship and im sure somebody can beat a midget

07-29-2007, 08:48 PM
I think they want to re name it something more like we will say the X division lol. I don't know just a idea.

Ill Will
07-29-2007, 09:07 PM
I think it would be kind of stupid to pull the only WWE title that actually has some competition surrounding it. You look at guys like Chavo, Jamie Noble, Jimmy Wang Yang, and a returning Rey Mysterio, and Smackdown's CW division becomes the most entertaining part of WWE programming.

...and then they give the title to Hornswoggle :no::no::no:

07-29-2007, 11:19 PM
I hope it's gonna be the four you mentioned Ill Will competing for the CW belt and NOT Hornswoggle...

Triple X
07-29-2007, 11:36 PM
yeah they gonna change the title wat the hell is that

07-30-2007, 12:11 AM
What do they plan for the CWs to do for a year? Nothing?

07-30-2007, 12:14 AM
Probably what they do now Job to the bigger wrestlers.

07-30-2007, 12:16 AM
I think it would be kind of stupid to pull the only WWE title that actually has some competition surrounding it. You look at guys like Chavo, Jamie Noble, Jimmy Wang Yang, and a returning Rey Mysterio, and Smackdown's CW division becomes the most entertaining part of WWE programming.

...and then they give the title to Hornswoggle :no::no::no:

You really think that Misterio will be anywhere near the CW title? No offense to the fans of that belt, but there is no chance that Misterio would pursue that title after being a world champion. Its like going back to the minors after winning the World series.

07-30-2007, 12:22 AM
If they cut it, SD will suck even more...

07-30-2007, 02:20 AM
I hope they don't pull the CW title now

Ill Will
07-30-2007, 04:23 AM
You really think that Misterio will be anywhere near the CW title? No offense to the fans of that belt, but there is no chance that Misterio would pursue that title after being a world champion.Do you actually watch wrestling? I'm not trying to make you look stupid, that's an honest question. Just because a certain wrestler won a main event title doesn't mean he's always going to be in the main event. Wrestlers downgrade to competing for second tier titles all the time. You can't just be in the main event forever. WWE will use Mysterio wherever they think he will make them the most money.

Its like going back to the minors after winning the World series....because that's never happened before... :no:

07-30-2007, 04:29 AM
They're probably make it the light heavyweight title so more people can go after it. I stopped watching SD when Khali became champ.

07-30-2007, 03:42 PM
- Talks of putting the WWE Cruiserweight title on Hornswoggle began back around the Judgment Day PPV. At one point, the plan was to have Hornswoggle win the championship, which would have meant the end of the title, with the plan being to bring the belt back sometime next year with a different name.

You all aren't reading it right IF Hornswoggle would have won the title at Judgement day then it would have been the end of the title but they obviously dropped the idea because it said AT ONE POINT!!!

Ill Will
07-31-2007, 12:50 AM
You all aren't reading it right IF Hornswoggle would have won the title at Judgement day then it would have been the end of the title but they obviously dropped the idea because it said AT ONE POINT!!!So IF Hornswoggle had one the title at Judgement Day, that would have signaled the end of the CW division. Now lets look at the event that everyone in this thread is responding to:

Hornswoggle won the CW title.

Is it not possible that the idea is the same, just delayed a few weeks?

07-31-2007, 05:10 AM
Do you actually watch wrestling? I'm not trying to make you look stupid, that's an honest question. Just because a certain wrestler won a main event title doesn't mean he's always going to be in the main event. Wrestlers downgrade to competing for second tier titles all the time. You can't just be in the main event forever. WWE will use Mysterio wherever they think he will make them the most money.
...because that's never happened before... :no:

Nope, I actually don't watch wrestling. Haven't watched a show in years.

I am a fan of the business aspect, not the guys rolling around in their underwear pretending to fight aspect. I guess you didn't notice that they took the belt off of Chavo right before he is set to start a feud with a returning Misterio? Why do you think they did that? It's so Misterio can beat him without having to deal with winning the CW title.

Ill Will
07-31-2007, 08:33 PM
I guess you didn't notice that they took the belt off of Chavo right before he is set to start a feud with a returning Misterio? Why do you think they did that? It's so Misterio can beat him without having to deal with winning the CW title.Just think about that for a second...

Mysterio is too big of a name to compete for the CW title, so he's going to feud with someone who just lost the title? Either way, that doesn't mean anything because it still would have made perfect sense for them to feud over the CW title seeing as how Mysterio IS a crusierweight wrestler.

Anyway, my post that you originally responded to was more a commentary on the CW division, with or without the title. I said with Mysterio returning, the CW division was the most entertaining part of WWE programming. IMO, taking away that division's title would be like sweeping it under the rug.

07-31-2007, 10:04 PM
Just think about that for a second...

Mysterio is too big of a name to compete for the CW title, so he's going to feud with someone who just lost the title?

Exactly, the feud with Chavo is over what happened last year, not the CW title.

Anyway, my post that you originally responded to was more a commentary on the CW division, with or without the title. I said with Mysterio returning, the CW division was the most entertaining part of WWE programming. IMO, taking away that division's title would be like sweeping it under the rug.

So the only entertaining feuds/matches in the cw division are feuds over the title? Of course not, only two people can feud at a time, but they have a dozen cruisers who bust their ass every week to put on good matches and they are no where near the title. Its not like Vince would fire all of the cruisers if the belt was dropped. In the grand scheme of things, belts are not important, they are just 20lbs of fake gold that a bunch of writers decide to give to someone. The wrestlers will entertain regardless of whether or not someone is holding a title.

Ill Will
07-31-2007, 11:02 PM
Exactly, the feud with Chavo is over what happened last year, not the CW title.You've made it clear that you're going to just ignore the irony here, so it's kind of pointless to keep talking about it. I'll just move on.

So the only entertaining feuds/matches in the cw division are feuds over the title?I never said or implied that. Here is what I did say:

my post that you originally responded to was more a commentary on the CW division, with or without the title. I said with Mysterio returning, the CW division was the most entertaining part of WWE programming.Damn, I even previously underlined that I was talking about the whole CW division and not just the CW title, and you still missed it...

In the grand scheme of things, belts are not important, they are just 20lbs of fake gold that a bunch of writers decide to give to someone. In the grand scheme of things, championships are the most important part of pro wrestling. It's WWE way of telling us who they want us to believe is the top wrestler in each classification. It's why the main event of every PPV is over a title. It's why most title defenses even happen at PPVs. It's why the highest-drawing wrestler is given the title. You may not think belts are important, but considering the way the pro wrestling industry has been booked and marketed for the last 50 years, promotions like WWE and TNA are leading the majority of wrestling fans to think otherwise.

08-01-2007, 02:52 AM
what's the point of having the cruiserweights if there is no title for it? that's just silly.

08-01-2007, 06:37 AM
It's why the highest-drawing wrestler is given the title.

You honestly think that Nitro, Khali, the midget, MVP, whoever has the raw belts and the greasers are the highest drawing wrestlers in their brands/divisions? Only Cena is a draw, all the rest are midcarders that have the belts because they pass them around like the worthless hunks of fake gold that they are.

Ill Will
08-01-2007, 07:57 PM
You honestly think that Nitro, Khali, the midget, MVP, whoever has the raw belts and the greasers are the highest drawing wrestlers in their brands/divisions?

Nitro: We know the events surrounding his title win. It was impromptu, and he wasn't even supposed to be in a title match at Vengeance. Nevertheless, CM Punk is the highest drawing wrestler in ECW, and look who he's feuding with...and it's over the "worthless" ECW title.

Khali: another impromptu champ that was given the title when Edge (who was no doubt SD's top draw) had to suddenly vacate it due to injury. Khali is feuding with SD's current top draw, Batista, over--you guessed it--the title.

Hornswoggle: Relevance? The whole premise of this thread is the speculation that the title will be dropped now that he has it.

MVP: Um, yeah, he and Hardy are both huge, but apparently not main event-level draws, and they are feuding over the second tier title belt.

D&D: Let's compare them to the rest of SD's tag division:


Yes, as sad as it is, they are the top draw in the tag division, and they have the titles.

Only Cena is a draw, all the rest are midcarders that have the belts because they pass them around like the worthless hunks of fake gold that they are.
You may not think belts are important, but considering the way the pro wrestling industry has been booked and marketed for the last 50 years, promotions like WWE and TNA are leading the majority of wrestling fans to think otherwise....

08-02-2007, 12:10 AM
so your argument now is that the top draws, who are a bunch of c level jobbers that couldn't draw at a flea market but you seem to have a marks view of value, are the ones who are chasing the titles and not the ones who are holding the belts, as you stated earlier?

Ill Will
08-02-2007, 09:08 PM
What happens at the end of a chase? And are you referring to Batista as a "c level jobber"? That's just ignorant. CM Punk is the top draw in ECW, and Matt Hardy is the second-biggest face behind Batista on Smackdown. I don't have a marks view of value, those are facts that can be proven by crowd reaction, ticket sales, merchandise sales, etc. It makes perfect sense that top draws are in the title picture because of the money the make the company. It's why I said WWE will use Mysterio wherever they think he can make them the most money (e.g. he won the "Heavyweight" title when he obviously isn't one, and even as champion, WWE portrayed him as the underdog in every title match.)

Top draws surround the titles. It's how the wrestling industry works; It's how feuds are set up; and it's how WWE uses that build-up to PPV title matches. I don't know if you're just trying to get the last word here, or if you really don't know what you're talking about. The top drawing wrestlers are almost always in the title picture. This is the way pro wrestling has worked for as long as I can remember.

I feel that this discussion has gotten kind of stale because you're just going to keep denying whatever I say no matter how much sense it makes, or keep trying to find a loophole in my words that you can use to make my statements seem questionable. It's kind of immature.

08-03-2007, 02:18 AM
What happens at the end of a chase? And are you referring to Batista as a "c level jobber"? That's just ignorant. CM Punk is the top draw in ECW, and Matt Hardy is the second-biggest face behind Batista on Smackdown. I don't have a marks view of value, those are facts that can be proven by crowd reaction, ticket sales, merchandise sales, etc. It makes perfect sense that top draws are in the title picture because of the money the make the company.
If they are such huge draws, then why are they on the lowest rated shows that draw the least buyrates, the least ticket sales, the least dvd and merchandise sales and make the company the least amount of money? Batista and Matt Hardy serve one purpose, to job to other people that Vince has more faith in.

I feel that this discussion has gotten kind of stale because you're just going to keep denying whatever I say no matter how much sense it makes, or keep trying to find a loophole in my words that you can use to make my statements seem questionable. It's kind of immature.

Has gotten? This is the stupidest thread ever and every post is worthless. I just have nothing better to do than counterpoint you.

Ill Will
08-03-2007, 03:23 AM
If they are such huge draws, then why are they on the lowest rated shows that draw the least buyrates, the least ticket sales, the least dvd and merchandise sales and make the company the least amount of money? Batista and Matt Hardy serve one purpose, to job to other people that Vince has more faith in.Read carefully this time:
Matt Hardy is the second-biggest face behind Batista on SmackdownThat's right, I said on Smackdown, not in the entire company. RAW is and always has been the flagship show, so it has the higher drawing superstars. Seeing as how SD does have it's own belts though, everything else I've said about Hardy and Batista still makes sense.

This is the stupidest thread ever and every post is worthless.That statement was largely self-degrading seeing as how you've been a main contributor.

I just have nothing better to do than counterpoint you.Well, you're going to have to find something else, because I'm done running in circles with you.

I suggest porn.

08-04-2007, 02:11 AM
Read carefully this time: That's right, I said on Smackdown, not in the entire company. RAW is and always has been the flagship show, so it has the higher drawing superstars. Seeing as how SD does have it's own belts though, everything else I've said about Hardy and Batista still makes sense.

No it doesnt.

That statement was largely self-degrading seeing as how you've been a main contributor.

nope, mine were awesome, I just said all of them so that you wouldn't feel bad about your half being so Markish and sucking so horribly.

Well, you're going to have to find something else, because I'm done running in circles with you.

really? I bet you reply to this.