View Full Version : Kids

07-31-2007, 05:10 AM
Fuck Kids that think theyre bad cuz they can beat up a mentally disabled 6 yr old, when its four on one and his brother is at his friends house! these four kids(ages= 6,8,8,9) beat the hell out of my six yr old brother while I wasnt home! So I yelled at him when I got home and now there fat ass mom calls the police on me! What The Fuck!!!!

These are pics of what they did to him

http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/3207/rileysblackeye09ad2.th.jpg (http://img508.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rileysblackeye09ad2.jpg)

07-31-2007, 05:21 AM
WTF!? I hope you beat the crap out of them!

07-31-2007, 05:28 AM
I did thats why she called the cops, I didnt hurt em tho, that much anyways

07-31-2007, 06:13 AM
HEY! I live in Davis California.(Well moving back to, hence the name) Send me names, I will go to their houses and beat up their dads! She can call the cops on me.:bat:

Mr Mando
07-31-2007, 10:26 AM
you are the father and you are the house's God...Do whatever you want......

If I were you,i would destroy the house......

07-31-2007, 03:11 PM
actually Mr. Mando I am only 14 hehe, and Ryan, theres no need for you to punch their dad in the face, hes blind, I can do it :shifty:

07-31-2007, 08:35 PM
I drive a very large truck, can I drive it through their home?

08-01-2007, 12:19 AM
i would have laid the smackdown on them dude no matter what age

08-01-2007, 01:46 AM
Tell Riley a giant has his back.(Imitates ^^^^ Sig)

08-02-2007, 07:52 AM
How did you know my brothers name was Riley

08-02-2007, 11:47 AM
California is a small town.

Ill Will
08-02-2007, 08:44 PM
California is a small town.every town is small if you're a stalker...


08-03-2007, 01:25 AM
Touche, but its hard hiding when you are 6'7 and Josh's mom keeps cutting the bushes shorter and shorter.

08-03-2007, 02:58 AM
how the fuck do you know I live across the street from bushes

08-03-2007, 03:51 AM
Your mom told me right after she bought my vacum

Big Evil
08-05-2007, 09:25 PM
I think it is sad that boys (especially that young) would do something like that. We all know the nature of punks like that. There is strength in numbers, and the badasses (or so they think) always pick on the one who can't defend himself. This kind of bullsh!t pisses me off, but the only thing you can do is smack the sh!t out of them!

08-05-2007, 10:47 PM
I like this guy

Big Evil
08-05-2007, 11:02 PM
Well I like you because you like me lol

08-06-2007, 01:00 AM
does anybody like me :sad:

And BE, I did smack the shit outta em

Big Evil
08-06-2007, 02:08 AM
Well damn I'm proud of ya! I wouldn't let them get away with it. Screw that lady that called the cops! She has no clue how to raise children.

08-06-2007, 05:52 AM
If you can find out what kinda car she drives, I can find some very FUBAR things to do to it :D