View Full Version : HHH comments on biggest problem with the WWE in thee new WWE magazine and more.

07-31-2007, 05:03 PM
The new issue of WWE Magazine features an interview with Triple H under the guise of a "job interview" as he's the "guest editor" for the issue. When asked to explain a work-related issue he thinks causes trouble, HHH commented, "I see a million guys who think, "I'm the best of the new guys." Well, that's not saying much. Do you want to the best of the news guys or the best guy here? They sit back and they're waiting for somebody to make them a star. Nobody makes you a star. You make yourself a star. When the fans are going crazy for you whether positively or negatively then you have something to promote. No one made Triple H. I did. The problem is a lack of patience. Early on in my career, I was very impatient and wanted to be more than I was ready to be. But as time went on, I was glad I didn't get it so early, because I wasn't ready. Now guys come in the door and half of them don' have a clue. I see guys on TV, against the likes of Ric Flair and they simply can't capitalize in that. It you can't capitalize on working with one of the biggest stars ever in the history of this business, you're not doing something right. You need to evaluate what you're doing and stop blaming everyone else."

The Magazine also features a short interview with Super Crazy, who noted that the best match of his career, to date was the 2000 Mexican Death Match he had against Yoshihiro Tajiri in the original ECW. I was in attendance at that bout in Philadelphia and I'd have to agree. There's been nothing in his WWE run that even comes close to that classic Tajiri feud, which is a shame. Crazy commented on Psicosis' legal troubles in Mexico, saying, "He told me everything was invented by the press and his version was totally different than what was printed, but knowing him, I don't know what to believe. I feel bad about everything and hope I can get back together with him in the future."

The Magazine also features the most important 25 moments in wrestling history, with number one naturally being Vince McMahon taking WWF national.

There are also interviews with Marcus Cor Von, Brooke and Bobby Lashley. Brooke noted she's training with Nattie Neidhart, Tom Prichard and Steve Keirn, and is looking forward to actually wrestling, although she enjoys her current role dancing as part of Extreme Expose.

The Magazine makes a brief note of Sherri Martel's passing.

07-31-2007, 06:15 PM
HHH needs to give it up pas the torch already

07-31-2007, 06:29 PM
McMahon makes stars. Like Lashley... What the hell...

07-31-2007, 06:51 PM
thats not the biggest problem and he knows it the biggest problem is that crappy wellness policy

07-31-2007, 09:55 PM
HHH was IMO talking about Carlito. Anyway, it'd be good if Brooke was a good wrestler because she can't dance at all...

08-02-2007, 12:11 PM
Triple h made Triple h by marrying the bosses little girl,,lol