View Full Version : ECW Results - 31st Jul, 2007

08-01-2007, 04:53 AM
ECW Results - 31st Jul, 2007
Announcers - Joey Styles and Tazz

ECW champion John Morrison made his way to the ring. Morrison began praising himself and speaking in phrases similar to Jim Morrison. You'll either like it or think it's corny. I'm unsold but his delivery is good so far. Morrison said that if his opponent can beat him, he'll get a future ECW title shot. He began ripping on Arizona's athletes, then claimed he found the greatest athlete in Arizona (WSX's Joey Ryan). Morrison asked him if he was ready to be famous, then kneed him low as the referee called for the bell. He hit a corkscrew neckbreaker and scored the pin.

Morrison asked if anyone else wanted a shot and no one answered. He said no one else was worthy of being in the ring with him. Tommy Dreamer's music hit and he came to the ring with a mic. He said that he's been around a lot longer than 15 minutes in this industry. He says that there's nothing he wants more than to be ECW World champion again. He says, "Is there someone in this building that can beat you? Yes, there is. Me."

Elijah Burke came out. He said that when it comes to ECW, Dreamer is prehistoric. Burke said, "15 minutes?" He told Dreamer he was 15 years past his time. Burke said Morrison needs someone young and athletic and that person is him.

CM Punk's music hit and he walked to the ring smirking. Punk said that last week, Morrison claimed he was done with Punk and was going "onward and upward." Punk said if he's so confident, let's go one more time and if he can't beat him or last 15 minutes, Punk will never challenge him again.

Morrison said he had already had a "grueling match" so he wouldn't defend his title tonight. He then suggested they have a Triple Threat match and the winner would face him next week. He said that if they can last or beat him next week, they'll then earn a future ECW title match.

So, it's Dreamer vs. Punk vs. Burke later.

Stevie Richards vs. Kevin Thorn

They showed clips of Richards' upset win over Thorn last week. Thorn charged Stevie into a turnbuckle, then picked him up and drilled him into another. He began mauling Richards. Richards came back with several roundhouse kick to the legs, then a dropkick. Thorn caught him and powered him down. Thorn dropped down with an over the shoulder backbreaker. He locked on a rear chinlock. Thorn locked Richards in a Torture Rack, then dropped down with Shock Treatment. Richards gets his shoulder up at the last second, upsetting Thorn. He draped Richards over the top turnbuckle, measured, and kicked him in the back. He tries to do it again, but Richards moved. Thorn hit the ringpost shoulder-first and was rolled up for the pin.

Winner: Stevie Richards

We went to a video feature on Big Daddy V.

They aired a quick video feature on CM Punk.

Handicap Match
Big Daddy V vs. Jeff Michael, Brandon Gatsen and John Ostroff

V destroyed all three in entertaining fashion. It was a great old school monster heel squash. It ended up V clotheslining one, slamming the second atop of the first wrestler, hitting a sideslam on the third and pinning the pile of bodies.

Winner: Big Daddy V

The Boogeyman's music began and he made his way to the ring. He came to the ring and began eating worms as Matt Striker pulled V to the back.

Extreme Expose are next and they dance...to Michael Jackson. Seriously. Layla El took the mic and they introduced the Miz.

The Miz vs. Balls Mahoney

Extreme Expose sat at ringside. Joey and Tazz talked about Miz being aggressive. Mahoney hit the Nutcracker Suite but Miz got his leg on the rope. Miz hit a kneelift then a neckbreaker, scoring the clean pin.

Winner: The Miz

Miz left with all the women.

They showed a video footage on Tommy Dreamer from the original ECW.

Elijah Burke promised he was going to take out not one, but two of ECW's most beloved superstars at once, leading him one step closer to the ECW World title.

Hey, did you know HHH was returning at Summerslam? No? Me neither.

Tommy Dreamer vs. CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke

We joined the match on progress. Punk tried to roll up Dreamer, who kicked up. As Punk hit the rope, Elijah Burke held the ropes down. Dreamer grabbed Burke and drilled him into the turnbuckles. Punk returned with a senton splash. Burke cinched in a rear chinlock on Punk. Burke backdropped Punk over the top to the floor, with Punk taking a nasty looking spill. If he wasn't hurt, he's lucky. Burke clotheslined Dreamer, sweeping his leg at the same time for a two count. Burke whips Dreamer into the corner. Burke did a handstand on the top rope, then drilled Dreamer with an elbow. Punk grabbed him and tossed Burke into the ring steps. Punk got a two count with a sunset flip into the ring. Punk tossed him to the floor. Punk hit a tope suicida to the floor on Dreamer and Burke. Punk drilled Burke with a series of kicks to the face. Dreamer DDT'd Punk. Burke broke up the pinfall with an elbow to the head. Burke was bleeding pretty bad from the lip. Burke began unloading stiff shots on Dreamer and Punk. Dreamer grabbed Burke and cinched in a Texas Cloverleaf. Punk kicked Dreamer in the head and tried to pin Burke, who kicked up. Punk hit a butterfly suplex into an over the knee backbreaker, scoring another near fall. Punk put Burke on the top and they exchanged shots with Burke getting the best of it. Dreamer superplexed Burke as Punk slid under and powerbombed Dreamer. Punk covered Dreamer who kicked up at two. Punk hit his kneelift in the corner on Burke and went for the bulldog, but was shoved off. He and Dreamer butted heads. Punk finally hit the GTS on Burke for the pin.

Winner: CM Punk

Punk goes on next week to face John Morrison in a non-title "15 Minutes of Fame" challenge. Dreamer raised Punk's arm to close the show.