View Full Version : *SPOILER* Smackdown Results - Airing 3rd Aug, 2007

08-01-2007, 07:23 AM
Smackdown Results - Airing 3rd Aug, 2007

Teddy Long and Kristal announce the wedding will take place on September 21st on SmackDown. Long sweet talks his lady and starts locking lips when Khali interrupts.

Khali speaks a ton of gibberish that nobody appreciates and scares Kristal to the back. His translator guy complains that Batista ruined Khali's celebration. Long then announces Batista vs. Khali at Summerslam.

- Kane immediately came out and Khali left the ring (don't know how that will look on TV since there was no staredown). Masters comes out for a match versus Kane. Masters attempts the Masterlock several times and had an advantage as they enter a rest hold. Messy spot with Masters attempting a swinging neckbreaker. Another resthold and Kane powers out with a suplex. Masters tries to suplex Kane, but Kane reverses it. Sidewalk slam by Kane who then attempts his flying clothesline but masters reverses into a Masterlock. Kane reaches the ropes and hits Masters with a chokeslam for the 1-2-3.

- Deuce & Domino cut a promo on their match against Flair and Batista.

- Chuck palumbo promo.

- Mark Henry vs. Jobber. Henry dominates with a huge backbreaker, club against the back and bear hug for the quick victory. Afterwards, Henry grabs the mic and says nobody can beat him and shows a clip of him taking out the Undertaker.

- Promo for Jessie and Festus about clothing & style.

- Arm wrestling match between Matt Hardy and MVP. MVP does the stalling and tapes up his hand before taking the tape off, much to everyone's dismay. They finally lock up with MVP with the early edge. Hardy suddenly comes out with a victory. MVP then says he wasn't ready and challenges Hardy to a match here which Hardy accepts.

- Matt Hardy vs. MVP: Hardy opens up attacking the hand/arm of MVP. Continuous armbars by Hardy. MVP gains the upper hand with a stun gun over the top rope on Matt.

MVP with a modified full Nelson resthold, which Matt reverses with punches. Matt misses an elbow and MVP hits a yakuza kick to send hardy outside. MVP brings Matt back in and applies a front face lock. Then goes back to it after a nearfall.. Matt gets MVP on the top of the rope and hits a superplex. Matt tries a small package for and running bulldog for a nearfall.

Matt hits a side effect and 2nd rope legdrop for nearfalls. Matt goes for the twist of fate, but MVP ducks out and leaves the ring, title in hand. Matt wins via countout.

- Deuce looks for Cherry and finds her coming out of Batista's lockeroom. They leave, but Batista walks to the door and Flair opens up laughing and enjoying himself.

- Noble is backstage and is getting teased by Shannon and Funaki.

- Promo for Rey's Mysterio. Chavo talks about Rey returning to Vickie and Vickie makes Rey vs. Chavo at Summerslam.

- Another Chuck Palumbo promo.

- Shannon Moore vs. Jamie Noble. Noble with the early advantage. Moore gets in some offense before Noble hits his finisher.

After the match, Hornswoggle comes to the ring and runs under it, surprising Noble with a pie to the face and a shot from the fire extinguisher before heading to the back.

- Some guy came out to see the best signs. The best signs in my opinion were "KENTA is god" and "Khali fears Hillary". They then had a reminder for Wrestlemania 24 and Timbaland's video.

- Kenny Dykstra (w/ Victoria) vs. Jimmy Wang Yang (w/ Torrie). Yang got in a hurricanrana and splash to the outside before Kenny got the upper hand. Back and forth action until Yang hits the top rope moonsault for the pin.

- Michelle McCool promo then Deuce & Domino (w/ Cherry) vs. Flair & Batista.

- Batista and Deuce open up with Batista having the early advantage. Domino and Flair go in and Domino gets the edge with a running elbow. Flair tags in Batista who gives Deuce a nasty knee to the side. Flair tags in and puts on the figure four on deuce. Domino breaks it up and tags in and gains the offense on flair. Deuce tags in and Flair battles back with chops before getting hit in the face. Domino tags in and applies a rest hold on Flair. Tag back to Deuce. Flair fights back with chops and Deuce applies an arm lock.

Flair fights back against Deuce and Domino. Flair makes the hot tag. Batista hits a spear and black hole slam. Batista sets up a Batista bomb, but Khali comes out. Khali squeezes Flair's head like a grape and leaves as Deuce & Domino beat up Batista and leave the ring.

After the show: Batista grabs the mic and tells Khali to come out. Batista tries to gain the upper hand, but Khali overpowers him with a clothesline. Khali squeezes the back of Batista's neck as the crowd rallies behind Batista. Batista hits a spear and spinebuster and Khali heads to the back. Flair runs out and hits Khali from behind with a chair, causing the ref to call a DQ. Flair and Batista then pose for the fans. Ah, the old days of Evolution. Chimel then tells everyone goodbye and that they will return to Phoenix in the future.

08-01-2007, 02:59 PM
sounds ok, however, this jesse and fetus tag team is annoying me with lame ass promos. i'd rather have cade and murdoch.. the original hillibilly americans in wwe lol

08-01-2007, 03:38 PM
FUNAKI #1 ANNOUNCER! Thanx Ryan, great post!