View Full Version : Resident Evil 5 Accused Of Racism

Dark Drakan
08-01-2007, 04:37 PM
Yet another crazy claim aimed at video games yet again by some African womans blog Black looks (http://www.blacklooks.org/2007/07/resident_evil_5.html) i dont know if shes aware that all previous Resident Evil games had people killing white zombies and also they arent people who are supposed to be zombies they ARE zombies... this claim is just crazy and also as its an 18 rated game how would it appeal to children to hate. She says

The new Resident Evil video game depicts a white man in what appears to be Africa killing Black people. The Black people are supposed to be zombies and the white man's job is to destroy them and save humanity. This is problematic on so many levels, including the depiction of Black people as inhuman savages, the killing of Black people by a white man in military clothing, and the fact that this video game is marketed to children and young adults. Start them young... fearing, hating, and destroying Black people.

Read Whole Article Here:

Resident Evil 5 accused of racism - CVG.com (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=169309)

08-01-2007, 04:53 PM
Damn they ..

08-01-2007, 06:51 PM
People would do almost anything for fame, and to make a buck now a days. This is just ridiculous.

08-01-2007, 07:44 PM
Sheesh can't even have a game in Africa anymore or they start with the racism bullshit. Targetted at children? I thought the game was for 16 years and older... As every Res. Evil game...

Dark Drakan
08-01-2007, 11:59 PM
Sheesh can't even have a game in Africa anymore or they start with the racism bullshit. Targetted at children? I thought the game was for 16 years and older... As every Res. Evil game...

I always thought they were 17 - 18+, she doesnt have a case anyway and should have done her research and actually learned about the games :wink: