View Full Version : James Brown children discovered

08-04-2007, 08:33 PM
James Brown's hits included Sex Machine and I Got You (I Feel Good)
DNA testing on about a dozen people who claimed late soul star James Brown was their father has revealed that at least two of them were telling the truth.

A former adviser for the Sex Machine singer, Buddy Dallas, said he could not confirm exact figures as further test results were forthcoming.

Brown died on Christmas Day last year, aged 73, after being admitted to hospital with severe pneumonia.

His will, which is being disputed in court, names six children.

'Eldest child'

Mr Dallas refused to name any of the star's newly-discovered offspring, but a South Carolina newspaper reported that LaRhonda Petitt, a 45-year-old teacher, was among them.

Ms Petitt showed The Augusta Chronicle a document which said there was a 99% probability she was Mr Brown's daughter.

She claims the singer picked her mother out of the audience during a Los Angeles concert in the early 1960s and the couple began a relationship.

They broke up when her mother fell pregnant and moved to Houston, she told the paper.

Whether Ms Petitt makes a claim to Brown's estate depends on whether his will holds up, said her lawyer, Jim Griffin.

But Ms Petitt's two daughters should at least be eligible for a trust the musician set up to pay for his grandchildren's education, he added.

Disputed will

Brown's partner Tomi Rae Hynie is suing for half of the star's estate
Mr Brown's will was filed in January, and called for his personal possessions - including clothes, jewellery, boats and cars - to be split among his six acknowledged grandchildren.

It is being disputed by the late star's partner, Tomi Rae Hynie, who was not named in the document.

Ms Hynie claims to be Mr Brown's surviving spouse, and is suing for half of his estate.

Lawyers for Mr Brown say she was already married when the couple exchanged vows in 2001, making their marriage void.

Ms Hynie's six-year-old son, James Brown II, is not among the potential offspring submitted for DNA testing.

In court papers filed in recent weeks, Mr Dallas said Mr Brown told him that James II was not his child and that instead of calling him "son," he referred to him as "little man".


Ill Will
08-05-2007, 06:36 AM
She claims the singer picked her mother out of the audience during a Los Angeles concert in the early 1960s and the couple began a relationship.
I think she's trying to make the story sound a lot more glamorous than it actually is.

Her mom was a groupie.