View Full Version : Frankie "The Future" Kazarian Interview

Flair Country
08-06-2007, 01:01 AM
(Ryan Jevec, a contributing writer for TNAwrestling.com, is ringside in the famous “Pit” of the absolute rowdiest fans at every TNA event in Orlando, Florida, and presents a cutting edge perspective on the pressing issues in TNA Wrestling.)

He is an X Division pioneer. He is a former X Division Champion. He is a man blessed with a rare combination of technical prowess, athletic ability and charisma seldom seen in today’s world of professional wrestling. Just who is this multitalented ring warrior that I speak of? Why he is the “Future,” he is Kazarian.

The past eighteen months in TNA Wrestling have been quite an adventure for Kazarian. Upon re-debuting with the company, Kazarian reformed his highly successful tag team with partner Martyr (Matt Bentley). However, just as this charismatic and energetic duo began to hit their stride and find success, both succumbed to the mindful ways of the sinister Raven and became dark, brooding souls both internally and externally, as they formed a portion of the faction known as Serotonin. With motives unknown, this group ran down team after team in TNA Wrestling, with endless pain and mind control being their calling cards.

After some time and perhaps inner focus, Kazarian began to evolve once more....evolve back into what made him special in the world of wrestling. Kazarian began to listen to himself and let his aerial acrobatics, wit and penchant for toughness speak for himself. Now, as a man unchained by those who seek to control him, Kazarian is himself once more, ready to dominate all those who get in his way and climb the ladder of success within TNA Wrestling. Kazarian is on self-charged mission to prove that he is what he says he is, “The Future,” and that the future is now.

Just after Kazarian’s jaw-dropping performance in the X Division Gauntlet Match at Victory Road, I was fortunate enough to get a few moments of Kazarian’s time to answer some questions that will give a better perspective of what Kazarian is all about, where he has been, and where he is headed. Tracing back all the way to his initial run in TNA Wrestling, here now is an in-depth look at Kazarian and what the “Future” may hold.

JEVEC: Your connections with the members of Serotonin actually date back a number of years. Speaking more specifically, in the early years of TNA, you were a successful tag team partner with Martyr (Matt Bentley). What was your experience like working with Martyr and being a part of that team during that time frame?

KAZARIAN: Matt Bentley was one of the VERY few people in this business that I could call a friend. We had great chemistry as a team, and just clicked in and out of the ring. I really enjoyed the time I spent tagging with Martyr (Matt), and I don’t think we really had a chance to show what we could have done as a team.

JEVEC: The duo of you and Martyr certainly was exciting for the fans to watch. As time elapsed, in 2004, you became the first ever co X-Division champion with then partner, Martyr. What difficulties did you incur, if any, in trying to balance being a successful tag team with being an X-Division Champion?

KAZARIAN: Well, at the time, we were both very selfish, so that helped. Our main objective at the time was to get the X-Division title off of AJ Styles, and we did just that. So I suppose our greed was a big factor in balancing that.

JEVEC: During that reign as co X-Division Champions, was there ever any issue of one person feeling that they were the true X-Division Champion over the other?

KAZARIAN: I am sure in his (Martyr) mind he thought he was the real champ, because I know I thought I was! I always felt that I would always be willing to give more than anyone else in the ring with me, including my partner Matt (Martyr). So looking back, without ever saying it, I am certain we both believed that one of us was the true X-Division Champion.

JEVEC: Interesting, as fans, myself included, would often debate which of the two of you were the true champion. After an extended hiatus from TNA Wrestling, you returned to reform the tag team duo of yourself and Martyr (Matt). It was not very long after your reunion, that both of you began to exhibit changes in both appearance and behavior. What sort of things were you dealing with that brought about these changes?

KAZARIAN: I wish I could say we were both seduced by the dark side of the Force, but honestly Ryan, it is not that cut and dry. Speaking solely for myself, at that time, I was lacking direction, and looking for guidance. My confidence was at an all time low, and I was desperate. A lot had gone on in my life both personally and professionally that had me down. Sometimes life kicks you in the balls man, and that’s something everyone has to deal with. The good thing is, I learned a lot about myself during this time, and that ultimately made me a better person and a better performer.

JEVEC: Life can certainly be trying at times, but it is very commendable that you were able to pick yourself back up and discover so much about yourself. With all of these changes taking place, TNA Wrestling fans soon learned of a new group of individuals brought together under the motive that pain begets power begets success. This group, consisting of yourself, Martyr, Havok and led by Raven was called Serotonin. The dictionary defines serotonin as a neurotransmitter involved in the control of pain perception, memory and depression. During your involvement with that group, what did Serotonin mean to you?

KAZARIAN: Serotonin to me meant sacrifice. That if I were willing to walk over glass barefoot, so to speak, I would be rewarded. To me it was the light at the end of the tunnel, which turned out to be a freight train.

JEVEC: Very true. Many equate that one cannot achieve success without hard work and willingness to sacrifice. As a member of Serotonin, it appeared that no matter if you won or lost a match, the ultimate ending was the same in that Raven would religiously cane both you and your fellow members, leaving sharp, painful reminders. What thoughts would cross your mind as you entered the arena knowing that no matter how great an effort you exhibited, your end result would be the same?

KAZARIAN: I try to learn something from everything that happens in my life. I honestly would not think about the pending cane shots, I was more focused on inflicting pain, and receiving it. Nothing else mattered to me at the time.

JEVEC: I don’t know that many others could have dealt with the pain you were going through at that time. And as days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months and this treatment/abuse continued, slowly but surely, you started becoming more and more defiant to Raven and his ritualistic beatings. What was happening in your mind that was enabling you to stand up and essentially say, ‘no more’?

KAZARIAN: Well, it turned out for me that Serotonin was a necessary evil. Eventually, taking the abuse both, physically, mentally and emotionally started to wear me down. Slowly but surely, my focus started coming back to me, and I knew in my heart that I had a lot more to offer other than just being another one of the victims of Ravens mind warping.

JEVEC: For you, what was the final breaking point that made you realize that you no longer wanted to be associated with Serotonin?

KAZARIAN: The breaking point for me came when I looked back on my career, from day one. Thinking back to all the advice and direction I had received from my trainer Killer Kowalski. I knew that Serotonin was not my destiny in wrestling, but it was what I needed to go through to get to where I am, and where I am going. Basically, enough was enough!

JEVEC: It certainly appears that this was for the best and that your personal reflection was the perfect remedy. Now that you are no longer a part of Serotonin and you can be yourself, what do you now think Serotonin stands for?

KAZARIAN: I honestly do not know what Serotonin stands for. I really think that Raven is an insecure man, who needs people around him to seek his advice and look to him for guidance. He is as brilliant as he is manipulative and dangerous though, and for that reason, Serotonin could still mean bad things for someone.

JEVEC: Serotonin certainly could prove to be dangerous to you or anyone else they come in contact with. More recently, the fans of TNA Wrestling have been witnessing your rejuvenation over the course of the past few months and your uncanny ability to foil many of Serotonin’s matches unscathed. While it is clear with your actions that you have vengeance and redemption on your mind with Serotonin, is there any message you would like to send to Raven and his faithful following?

KAZARIAN: I’m glad you mentioned the word redemption, because that’s really what this whole phase of my career and life is about for me. I need to redeem myself, and prove to myself and everyone else, that Frankie Kazarian is one of the best around. Period. As far as sending a message to Raven and his following, I will do that at Hard Justice, in the middle of the six sided ring.

JEVEC: Sounds like Serotonin is in for some serious trouble. Switching gears now to your present day and future away from Serotonin, at Victory Road 2007, you were part of the Ultimate X Gauntlet Match. How did it feel to be such a huge part of that match and to be able to finally be Frankie Kazarian?

KAZARIAN: Being part of another Ultimate X Match felt incredible. It was a huge breath of fresh air to go out and be me, free of the chains of Serotonin and Raven. It was my opportunity to put myself back on the map in the X Division, and TNA altogether.

JEVEC: Despite the fact that you were not victorious in the Ultimate X Gauntlet Match, many feel that you stole the show in the match with your impressive aerial maneuvers. What is your impression of that?

KAZARIAN: Well, I am very flattered that people feel that way. I went out there and gave it my all, and I think the fans can appreciate and respect that.

JEVEC: There is no doubt you put on one hell of a performance, something that will inevitably stand the test of time. Fans live in attendance and those watching at home can no doubt vividly recall one of the biggest moments of the Ultimate X Gauntlet Match when you executed the infamous, “Flux Capacitor,” on Homicide. This hellacious move was something that TNA fans had not witnessed since 2004 in the days of D-Ray 3000. Flashback to that night when you hit that on Homicide and the fans in the iMPACT! Zone were absolutely ballistic, cheering, moshing and thrashing about. What was going through your mind as you prepared for the move and did you expect the kind of reaction that you got when it happened?

KAZARIAN: I have been waiting to break that move out for a while, and I saw my opportunity and seized it. The reaction I got was amazing. The place looked like the audience at a heavy metal concert, which I know a lot about. I think there were a few folks that became Kaz addicts that night!

JEVEC: Absolutely. You surely turned a lot of heads that night. I was in the “Pit” that night and when you hit that “Flux Capacitor”, the energy and enthusiasm that was emanating from that raucous group of fans was unlike anything I had experienced in a very long time. The imagery from that night will be with me for many, many years to come. And needless to say, fans will never witness or feel something as unique as that with any other wrestling organization. What sort of reaction/feedback did you receive from the fans as well as your peers following your performance at Victory Road?

KAZARIAN: I received nothing but positive feedback from fans, friends, and peers alike after Victory Road. I remember B.G. James pulling me aside, and simply saying that I upped my stock a lot after that match. Nothing means more to me than the respect of my peers in wrestling, and my fans. So for me, that was very uplifting.

JEVEC: Perhaps the evening can best be summed up in one word, quoting Don West, “UN-FREAKING-BELIEVABLE!” Can we expect to see the “Flux Capacitor” and other innovative maneuvers in the future?

KAZARIAN: Always expect the unexpected and more!

JEVEC: I’m sure we are all eagerly anticipating many unforgettable moments from you in the months and years to come. With your potential clearly being unlimited and there being such an open field within the X Division, what are the short term and long term goals for Kazarian?

KAZARIAN: Well, I have always said, if you do not want to be a world champion in wrestling, then you shouldn’t be in our profession. I know that this is very bold for me to state, but long term, a world championship….a TNA championship is my goal. In the near future, I intend to continue to climb the ladder, and go through who ever I need to in order to reach my ultimate goal.

JEVEC: As we wind down, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to sit down and answer these questions for the great fans of TNA Wrestling. I know they appreciate the opportunity to get to learn a little bit about you and your career. Are there any final thoughts you’d like to pass along to all the loyal legions of fans of TNA Wrestling?

KAZARIAN: You are very welcome Ryan. I just want to say thanks to all the great fans of TNA for supporting me and the company. I honestly believe that this is the best wrestling company in the world, and I am excited and blessed to be a part of it, and to grow with it. Just like me, TNA is the future, and the future looks good.
