View Full Version : TNA's Budget Crunch, How Much Do the "Top" Talents Make?

Flair Country
08-12-2007, 05:53 PM
- Many of the talent working within TNA at this time are located in various parts of Florida and only the wrestlers involved in major storylines are being flown out. Previously, TNA would book many of their talents that were out of state and then throw them into something to compensate for flying them out. This could range from anything from a quick backstage promo or a match taped for "TNA Today". It appears TNA is now planning ahead a little bit more now and are really watching their nickels and dimes.

- Speaking of nickels and dimes, a fun fact for the smart marks out there. While many believe that the big names that come into TNA start out with ballooned salaries would be shocked to find out that it is not so in many cases. Many of the "big name" talent start off at the minimum wage pay of the standard contracted TNA wrestler which is $500 an appearance. After they "earn their stripes" it is at that time they start to make the money they come to expect being a "big name" for the company. The known pay grades among the TNA talent ranges from $200 for local talent that were used for squash matches, $500 per appearance for the new TNA Contracted wrestlers and then the next tier of pay is $750 an appearance. This is what most of the wrestlers that have been with the company for over a year are bumped up to. It should be noted as well that the standard TNA contracted wrestler is only guaranteed 26 appearances. So for those doing the math, the first year you are guaranteed $13,000/year and in your second year you can almost expect to be making $19,500/year not including outside bookings or "house show" contracts.


08-12-2007, 07:08 PM
THANKS! Great post! I have always been curious about this type of stuff. This is why a lot of TNA stars are on PT time contracts. Which means they can work for other companies. Which is how Kurt Angle got to wrestle in IGF(It was IGF not IGWP) and Shelly and Erick Young went to TLW a few weeks ago for an event. Again great post. I have always wondered the pay of top indy wrestlers.

(He needs more rep power for this post)