View Full Version : Reptiles Found In Man's Hand Luggage

08-14-2007, 03:52 AM

A bag full of live snakes was nearly taken aboard a plane in Egypt after a man claimed he did not realise it was illegal to keep the live reptiles in his hand luggage.

The 22-year-old passenger, who was also carrying baby crocodiles and chameleons, was stopped at Cairo Airport as he tried to board a flight to Saudi Arabia.

Security staff became suspicious of the bags when the X-ray machine at the departure gate produced strange readings.

Police said they opened the bags and found a large number of reptiles, including at least one cobra, squirming to escape.

The animals were confiscated and turned over to the Cairo Zoo and the man was allowed to board his flight home.

Transporting live reptiles out of the country is illegal in Egypt, but the passenger said he was unaware of the ban.

He claimed that the snakes, crocodiles and chameleons were needed by a Saudi university for scientific experiments, police said.

In May, another Saudi man was caught at the Cairo airport carrying 700 live snakes in his hand luggage.

He told authorities that snakes were often kept in Saudi Arabia by storekeepers in glass jars or used as pets.

Credit: Sky.

What an excuse. I bet he was hoping he would get away with it.

08-14-2007, 05:10 AM
Wow. What is it with people trying to smuggle live animals?

08-14-2007, 02:10 PM
He claimed that the snakes, crocodiles and chameleons were needed by a Saudi university for scientific experiments.

well now they can live a long happy life in the zoo:)

08-14-2007, 06:47 PM
Zoo life>Experiments:)

08-17-2007, 03:46 AM
good thing they stop him