View Full Version : Straight from the Heart - Matt Hardy Blog

Black Widow
08-17-2007, 01:08 PM
Straight from the Heart...

I've just been in one of those reflective moods recently. One of those periods where you kinda look over your life and digest everything that has happened to you--past, present, and future. Where you evaluate the things you've accomplished, what's important, what you've got, and who's made an impact on you during your life and vice versa.

I've got so many great people in my life. My Dad, Jeff, and Beth are the best immediate family you could ask for. Lucas is awesome--love that little kid so much. So many good friends. So many great fans that have supported me through thick and thin in this crazy ass profession I'm in. This MySpace page wouldn't happen without Tam--thanks again! I've had so many great times and life experiences with guys like Shane Helms, Shannon Moore, Jason Ahrndt, and Marty Garner in and out of the wrestling business. I'm very fortunate to have several really close friends within the WWE currently. I've had so much fun and learned so much about business alongside the Bullet and the Zombie. I've been blessed to have some really wonderful and incredible relationship experiences with some awesome ladies. I've had the chance to visit and wrestle on every continent with the exception of Antarctica (but they do love me there, LLC [Laughing Like Crazy]). I've met so many interesting, unique, incredible people during my journeys around the world. More recently, I've got to box against one of the greatest fighters of all time--Evander Holyfield--and I'm not even a boxer! I have been blessed with such a great life and livelihood.

Which brings me to my next point. The last few months, I feel like I've finally connected "The Perfect Circle" internally. I would guess it comes with age and experience, but I have my mind, body, and soul all in sync. More than ever. I understand how to deal with any situation thrown at me. I also am able to deal with situations others are experiencing that relate to me. And that was tough for me for quite a while. The missing link in my perfect circle was being able to patiently deal with situations others are experiencing that directly relate to me. I think the reason why is because I am naturally a leader, a take charge type guy, a guy who's always in control of what's he's doing. But I have finally realized how to stand back and let other's I'm invested in make their own decisions and mold their own destinies. Without interjecting myself or being controlling--and without being upset or offended about their choices. Something I do very well is learn from my mistakes and miscues. It was my final huddle to jump in completing my internal perfect circle. I care and try harder to make things work than any other human being on this planet. But at some point, you have to realize you can't overly fight to make someone feel how you do if they don't feel the same way. And I've learned how to accept that and be at peace with it. It feels really good. Mentally, emotionally, and spiritually I have a flowing, positive, perfect circle of energy that feels so right.

Physically, I've always been really good at taking care of myself. The professional wrestling business isn't exactly the most body friendly job there is, HA! I'm actually pretty beat up right now. I've got several bone chips in my left elbow that are affecting my range of motion. Scar tissue is building up around the chips which adds to my pain and is extremely uncomfortable. That's one surgery I've got eventually waiting on me. I have a slightly torn muscle in my back and my left shoulder blade is dislocated. My lower back probably needs an extended break to heal and recuperate. I also have bone spurs in my hip sockets within my pelvis that will eventually have to be cleaned out via surgery. These things obviously bug me, but I constantly rehab them with training, and do what I can to counter them. Ten years of constant bumping doesn't do your body any favors! But it's all good--it's a small price to pay for the amazing life and experiences the wrestling business has given me.

What does my future hold? My goals as of now are this--to win the United States Title, a World Heavyweight Title, have a successful business of my own, eventually be married and have a family, be a positive influence to others, and to make the world a better place. It's alot I know--but we can all do anything we want if we want to bad enough! Thanks for reading my blog and supporting the movement as always! Godspeed and be well my friends!

Quote of the day - "I did what I had to do, if there was a reason, it was you" - Pearl Jam, Footsteps


P.S.--Don't forget to catch me on Smackdown this Friday, August 17th, at 8 p.m. sharp. And make sure to tune into Saturday Night's Main Event as I box the four time former World Heavyweight Champion Evander Holyfield! MATT FOR CHAMP, MATT HARDY IS THE LIFEBLOOD OF SMACKDOWN, MATT RULES--there continues to be more and more Matt Hardy signs at WWE events--I eternally thank you for your support! I want to personally thank the Chicken Horse for his sign in Youngstown--MATT HARDY SAVES SMACKDOWN WEEKLY! Thanks Chad, I loved it!

My friend, and editor of THS, "Zombie" Mike Spatola, has just completed a trial video for the band Hurt. Mike did a trial video for the song "Ten Ton Brick", in hopes of getting the nod to make the actual video for Hurt and Capital Records. Mike's video is currently posted on Youtube--and if the feedback is really good, he'll more than likely get the gig. So check out the video and give it a 5 star rating if you're feeling it, it would be appreciated! Watch the video when you get a chance and help spread the word! Here's the link to Zombie's video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JB63rGjUPME

- myspace.com/theonlymatthardy