View Full Version : Gerry given boot from Big Brother

08-18-2007, 10:19 AM
Gerry has clashed with several housemates
Gerry Stergiopoulos has been voted out of Channel 4's Big Brother show.

He was the bookmakers favourite to be evicted and was booed by the crowds as he emerged from the house.

His fate was decided by four of his fellow housemates who had earned the right to decide which housemate would leave during Friday's eviction show.

Gerry and Carole received the most votes from the public and he begged them to nominate him, insisting he was happy to leave.

When they chose him for eviction, the 31-year-old gallery researcher said: "That's fine, that's fine.

"Guys, I know it would have been a twist and I'm perfectly fine. I want Carole to win this award."

Gerry said he would campaign to ensure the 53-year-old youth health worker would win Big Brother, saying the rest of them were young and had plenty of time to work for the money.

Five other people faced the public vote after the twins Amanda and Sam, Ziggy and Tracey became exempt from eviction after winning the weekly task.

They also earned the right to the final say over which housemate would leave during Friday's eviction show.

'Aggressive streak'

Throughout the week Gerry had clashed with fellow housemates Carole, Tracey and Ziggy.

Speaking in the diary room, Gerry said: "I'm 100% ready to go this week. I think it's highly likely as I don't think I have a fan club."

He added: "I'm going through a dry patch with Ziggy, he has developed a bit of an antagonistic aggressive streak about him. He has changed radically since Chanelle left."

Ladbrokes has the 19-year-old twins as 4/5 favourites to win the show, followed by Brian at 11/10.

If the pair do scoop the £100,000 prize money they will have to share the cash as they have opted to be treated as one person.