View Full Version : Samoa Joe To The WWE?

Black Widow
08-25-2007, 06:35 PM
There are reports surfacing that Samoa Joe is so upset with his status in TNA that he's willing to give the WWE a chance.


Samoa Joe's contract with TNA is coming to an end soon. TNA made him an offer not too long ago to stay with the company, but Samoa Joe turned it down.

Apparently, the main issue for Samoa Joe is that he's unhappy with the way his character has been pushed in TNA.

When he came into TNA, he was off to a hot start. Samoe Joe went a year and a half in TNA without losing a match via pinfall or submission. The hype behind him was very strong at the start.

The Samoan Submission Machine has won the TNA X Division Championship three times. He's also won the TNA World Tag Team Championship once.

However, the TNA World Heavyweight Championship has eluded Samoa Joe in his two years with the company.

TNA is trying to gain a larger fanbase by expanding their weekly Impact show to 2 hours. With that in mind, management has opted to go with more established names like Sting, Christian Cage, and Kurt Angle.

It's purely a business decision.

Top Level Performer

TNA does want to keep Samoa Joe, as evident by the contract offer that they have on the table for him. They know full well that Samoa Joe is one of the best performers in the entire wrestling industry.

While he may not have the best physique, he does have the intensity and the technical skills to produce a great matchup on any given night of the week.

Five Star Superstar

Very rarely do we get to see five star matces in the US. A match has to be incredibly special in order to receive such a prestigious honor.

The honor is so rare that the WWE has only had four matches to have ever reached five star status. Those matches are:

* Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon in a ladder match at Wrestlemania X.
* Bret Hart vs Owen Hart in a steel cage match at Summerslam 1994.
* Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin at Wrestlemania 13.
* Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell at Badd Blood.

As you can see, the match has to be truly a classic in order to achieve this award.

Well, Samoa Joe himself has had two of the elusive five star matches during his stint in ROH. One of those matches was against current ECW star CM Punk.

Closing Thoughts

While it would be nice to see Samoa Joe getting recognition on a national level, it's probably a long shot for him to join the WWE.

Samoa Joe has already rejected the WWE once before. The reasons why he rejected the WWE back then are still the same reasons why he would reject the WWE now.

TNA and Samoa Joe need to do everything possible to come to an agreement.

- *****************.com

08-25-2007, 06:54 PM
Whats this talk of his contract coming up soon? I thought he was set till August 2008, that's not soon. I think they're just excited that there is a possiblity that he might quit TNA, but really I think he's just waiting until TNA has 2 hours that way they will have more money to spend (I believe).

08-26-2007, 02:34 AM
Well WWE rarely lets jumpers go straight to the top. They like to have them work a litttle. Throw in some punishment and show people how WWE guy dominate the other brands. Which is why when you see P/T TNA guys (Shelly, Joe, oreilly) in WWE they will job to the WWE star. I think Samoa Joe was on WWE twice. Dark match on SD! and on Jakked. On Jakked he got owned by Essay Rios. Like I said before this establishes dominance ove the competition's superstars. Unlike TNA, who lets WWE guys dominate their roster and win all their titles.