View Full Version : Nipplegate incident still a scandal

08-28-2007, 09:12 AM
BIG SCANDAL: Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake's Nipplegate incident at the 2004 Super Bowl has topped a list of the biggest celebrityi scandals in the last 25 years.
Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake's Nipplegate incident at the 2004 Super Bowl has topped a list of the biggest celebrity scandals in the past 25 years.
The top 25 list, compiled by US magazine Entertainment Weekly, ranks Jackson's exposed breast as the biggest celebrity scandal since 1982.

"With nearly 90 million people watching, many of them children, the incident became a flash point for family-values groups who had long argued that Hollywood was polluting kids' minds - and now they had proof," EW says.

Mel Gibson's infamous drunken rant to a police officer, in which he said "the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world", was ranked at No. 2, while Sinead O'Connor ripping up a photo of the Pope on Saturday Night Live came in at No. 3.

Hugh Grant being arrested for lewd conduct with prostitute Divine Brown came in at No. 4, while Michael Jackson dangling his baby off a balcony was ranked No. 5.

Among the more questionable rankings is Britney shaving her head (No. 8), Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie getting together (No. 9) and Michael Richard's racist rant during a stand-up comedy show (No. 14).

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