View Full Version : JR Comments On Randy Orton, Jake Roberts, And More

Black Widow
08-29-2007, 06:38 PM
Jim Ross has updated his blog at www.jrsbarbq.com today, in this edition he talks about rumors of he and King being broke up, Randy Orton, and the possibility of Jake "The Snake" Roberts in WWE. Here are a few things he had to say:

On Lawler Being Moved To ECW?

We got a fair amount of feedback about the rumor that King and I will be split up in the near future. I can only say that no one has spoken to me about it, whatsoever, and I seriously doubt the validity of the rumor.

On Randy Orton

Randy Orton is on a roll and doing well both in and out of the ring. In todays society, some fans are going to cheer the antagonists, which is now actually expected to some degree but varies city to city. That fact used to bother me in the old days, or what I perceived as the old days, but times change and everyone involved with the process needs to adapt. I dont take it that the fan favorites are being disrespected, but it is simply vocal, edgy fans expressing themselves. I assure you that the worst sound is silence, so fans booing a hero such as John Cen,a as we have all seen and heard, isnt a bad thing.

On Jake Roberts Return to WWE

I dont know if Jake Roberts will be back in the WWE or not. I dont do the hiring and I dont ask. Jake has a great mind for the business, nonetheless, and could certainly offer a unique perspective for the younger talents. As it relates to The Undertaker coming to Scotland in November, I would suggest he will be there but dont hold my feet to the fire.

- jrsbarbq.com

To read his full blog, Click Here (http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/2007/08/29/%e2%80%9cq%e2%80%99ing-my-way-thru-life%e2%80%9d-avoiding-fender-benders-cor-von-announcing-team-changes-dvd-ideas-orton-colorado-football-simmons-vs-vader-shane-douglas-bischoff-john-sterling-nfl-soo/)