View Full Version : Sheen fights for alone time with kids

08-30-2007, 09:57 AM
Charlie Sheen claims ex-wife Denise Richards purposely tried to ruin his day out with the couple's two children.

The Hot Shots! actor - who is set to take Denise to court over custody arrangements for three-year-old Sam and two-year-old Lola - took his daughters to a Malibu beach party on Saturday along with fiancee Brooke Mueller.

However, Denise's assistant also came with them to help look after the girls - leaving Charlie furious.

He fumed to People magazine: "Mine and Brooke's weekend with the girls has been sullied by one of Denise's spies.

"That is the thing I have to put a stop to. I can't spend quality time - times I'm never going to get again - quite frankly being observed by a perfect stranger."

The former hellraiser is currently only allowed to see Lola and Sam if a nanny comes with them, but he is determined to put an end to the arrangement.

Charlie - who split from Denise when she was pregnant with Lola - added: "I want an unpolluted relationship with my children. It's a very loving, safe, comforting, supportive, nurturing environment for these children. Brooke and I are incredibly stable.

"We go to malls, to movies, to parks - we just try to keep it interesting. We have stuff at the house that they are really excited about that isn't double what they have at Denise's so when they come to my place, it's special."


08-30-2007, 11:23 AM
she needs to let him be a dad IMO she is being silly.