View Full Version : God Of War Developer Says F*** Halo

Dark Drakan
09-13-2007, 07:32 PM
Ex Sony developers and God Of War creator David Jaffe has posted his recent blog talking with Adam Orth (Sony designer who worked with him on Calling All Cars) about the Halo series. Here is the intro of that blog:

Jaffe: It's a decent add I think. I just don't get HALO. I don't think the story is all that special, don't think the world or characters matter much. I don't know if I am simply not 'getting it' and it really is all that...or Microsoft has simply purchased rabid fan reactions for what is a great game but nothing more.

Adam: that ad is insulting "belive"? come on.

Jaffe: Am I missing something? What's insulting about it?

Adam: well, for 1, i think it's disrespectcful to actual veterans of real wars and 2, they really expect people to become that invested in the halo story?
i guess i just really dislike halo and that ad aint helping

Jaffe: well that's what I mean about buying the hype. I don't dislike Halo at all and really liked parts of Halo 2 alot...I am in minority who felt single player halo 2 was better than halo 1 single player. I mean, I hear people talk about the flood and **** and I'm like: what? Who gives a ****.

Adam: halo = meh

Read Whole Article Here:

He just said F*** Halo!?!? - CVG.com (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=171948)

09-13-2007, 08:53 PM
Is he a F***ing idiot?!

Dark Drakan
09-14-2007, 04:30 PM
Is he a F***ing idiot?!

I think the whole thing over steps the mark of professional conduct between companies and this type of mudslinging is nothing short of childish. Its fair to have your own opinions of anothers products and speak about the negatives as thats how games improve but to put it the way he did is just so unprofessional its crazy.

Here is another article about a site that is absolutely hilarious which bashes the 360 at every opportunity and is just so full of fanboys.

XBOX 360 Wire » Are Sony behind new Xbox 360 bashing website? (http://www.xbox360wire.co.uk/2007/09/13/are-sony-behind-new-xbox-360-bashing-website/)

Giving Bioshock a 5/10 and slating it in many areas and then going on to say that it would be a perfect game if it was on PS3 and posting flat out lies about 360 news articles and coverage.

Flair Country
09-16-2007, 05:05 AM
What a fool! If those guys are implying that God of War is better than Halo they have lost their minds!!