View Full Version : Brad Pitt Furious at His Mother

05-18-2006, 09:21 AM
HOLLYWOOD hottie Brad Pitt is furious his mother is talking to his ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston. The Troy star's brother Doug said Pitt - who is expecting his first biological child with Angelina Jolie - thinks she is being "unfair and unjust" for staying in touch with the former Friends actress, he said to Britain's Star magazine: "Brad is not happy about mum talking to Jennifer," he said. "He feels that mum should move on now and cut the link that was there. But mum is in a difficult position; she has great affection for Jennifer, born out of the fact that Brad once loved her and did marry her."
BANG Showbiz

05-18-2006, 10:58 AM
And this is news worthy???

Oh jeeze what is the world coming to?