View Full Version : Fuck Traffic.

09-29-2007, 03:00 AM
Fuck traffic. When are flying cars going to come out, to stop this madness! You got to wait for the fucking signal to turn green, with all these fucking car infront of you, fuck it!

09-29-2007, 04:52 AM
you can always walk or use a bike. <.<

09-29-2007, 07:01 PM
I'm with you BME, where the hell is my flying car that they promised us 20 years ago???

Bad Boy
09-29-2007, 07:06 PM
lolz, well flying cars would solve the probs of traffic, but then we would live like the Jetsons :eek: lolz... well, I agree, give me my flying car, hell, first let me get my normal car... :)

09-29-2007, 11:16 PM
Traffic is caused because EVERYONE wants a car. If people learned to share or use public transportation, the amount of traffic would be significantly decreased. I hate traffic too, but nothing is going to change it not even flying cars which would probably cause loads of accidents as everyone would just fly around freely then crash into someone then yeah...

09-30-2007, 12:59 AM
Who would everyone be crashing into each other when you would have an infinite amount of space to travel in, unlike on real roads where you are stuck in a 20 foot wide section with everyone else. More space = more room per vehicle = less accidents. Do you know what the safest form of transportation is? Airplanes.

09-30-2007, 01:59 AM
Ill go you one better forget traffic forget cars flying or otherwise .

I qoute Startrek "BEAM ME UP SCOTTY"

09-30-2007, 04:00 AM
Who would everyone be crashing into each other when you would have an infinite amount of space to travel in, unlike on real roads where you are stuck in a 20 foot wide section with everyone else. More space = more room per vehicle = less accidents. Do you know what the safest form of transportation is? Airplanes.

I'm sure you know it isn't infinite space and that the height these "flying cars" could be able to fly probably won't be higher than a sky-scraper which doesn't give much space. With that in mind, not only would their be a number of cars flying around wildly due to lack on control, there would also be buildings to avoid. And airplanes are the safest form of transportation they fly higher than buildings and there are less of them compared to the number of flying cars that will be used(approx. one per. person).

09-30-2007, 04:57 AM
ok let me put it this way. there are more car accidents in cars then in airplanes......why bring that to the air?

it wouldn't be road rage anymore. it's going to be total caos.

would you trust a bad driver then want to let him fly in the air?

i couldn't write it out fast enough to get these to sound right. v.v

i think it was China or Japan that had a no car day because they are doing something about the pollution. good part from them. :shakehands: not only do they make good anime, they worship nature. really they do. i used to watch CCTV. they showed someplaces in nature where they are very religous about. they respect nature for most part. cars, moto's, etc i don't think any one wants to get rid of because of it's a way to travel and get places faster. i don't want to get rid of my gas and oil powered ski doo. it's like someone who is hooked to ciggarettes, it's hard to get rid of. you want it but it's hard to stop.

IMO, the water powered cars is part of arrmegeddon, the part where the water will be hard to drink that no one wants to drink anything. even if it's filtered. there's the food that gets posioned.

but that all could of been happening all the time, just because you see something like that for the first time on TV doesn't mean that it hasn't already happened before. people are gettign scared all over the world and that fear is hieghtened because you see it on the news. usually it's Bad news that's featured on the news. doesn't mean that's already happened before.

you're reading this now, there's someone homeless, there's someone that's starving, there's a drug bust, there's a murder, there's a birth, there's soemthing going on no matter what, time stops for no one. NO ONE. some one just got fired, some one just got permoted.

you can either be afraid of what what's showing on the discovery channel about an on coming comet, earth freezes over, or some other catastrophic event. or you can hope that you don't find yourself in that position and think nothing of it. try to think that it's already happened before and that's it's always been happening. find a comedy channel or watch some comedy on youtube. find something to keep your mind from fear.
i don't know where all this typing came from.....it's just came up somehow and i didn't want to stop. it might not make sence.....i'm not going to proof read this. <,<

09-30-2007, 06:59 AM
I have no idea what the point of that was, nor did it make any sense in the context of this subject, but it does give me an excuse to use this:


09-30-2007, 11:21 AM
I have no idea what the point of that was, nor did it make any sense in the context of this subject, but it does give me an excuse to use this:


i was bored, all that was.....it just came out and i didn't want to stop.
don't stop get it get it. then put some gas up in it. to the left. to the right. then let me see you do the tootsie roll. :pope:

09-30-2007, 04:18 PM
I'm sure you know it isn't infinite space and that the height these "flying cars" could be able to fly probably won't be higher than a sky-scraper which doesn't give much space. With that in mind, not only would their be a number of cars flying around wildly due to lack on control, there would also be buildings to avoid. And airplanes are the safest form of transportation they fly higher than buildings and there are less of them compared to the number of flying cars that will be used(approx. one per. person).

I'm sure your wrong in what I know. If you are only going to fly 50 feet above the road then why would you want to fly instead of drive anyway? I'm too lazy to find a link now and I'm not sure you could grasp the concept anyway, but there is a company that has a prototype for a flying car, which is a huge atrocious looking thing that is basically a plane with fold up wings, that is the most likely candidate to be our first "flying cars". Your estimate of one per person and people flying around wildly are two of the most laughable statements that I have ever read on this site. Theoretically flying cars would be regulated by the FAA, which has licensing testing infinitely harder than the dmv (and includes training by a licensed trainer, health physicals every two years, and renewal rates every 2 years) and the cost would be too high for a lot of people. Its not like any bum will be able to go on ebay, buy one for 200$ and fly it home.

09-30-2007, 11:29 PM
you can always walk or use a bike. <.<

Sure that's time consuming. It takes me 15-20 minutes to get me school in the morning, not much traffic in the morning though, in the afternoon, yes. How much would it take me on a bike? Have to put the clock a few hours earlyer? Even If I did go on the bike, my fat ass would be sweating, and you think I can consenrate in class? Bad as it is, the temperature here is usually 40 degrees celcius on a usual summer day.

10-14-2007, 04:09 PM
Lol Bike would better for u then

10-14-2007, 09:05 PM
Sure that's time consuming. It takes me 15-20 minutes to get me school in the morning, not much traffic in the morning though, in the afternoon, yes. How much would it take me on a bike? Have to put the clock a few hours earlyer? Even If I did go on the bike, my fat ass would be sweating, and you think I can consenrate in class? Bad as it is, the temperature here is usually 40 degrees celcius on a usual summer day.

My usual day is 30-40 degrees celcius and with no traffic it takes me 5-10 minutes to get to school while with traffic it would take 20-30 minutes. I get up at 6AM but people I know get up at 3/4AM just to get to school on time to beat the traffic because at 6AM in some places in Trinidad, traffic builds up so much that it'd take hours to get to school. Trinidad has a massive traffic problem, and if you are whining about 15-20 minutes, try waiting to get somewhere for 4 hours when without traffic it takes 30 minutes to get there.(that's not going to school but other places in Trinidad)

10-21-2007, 03:45 AM
I was just using that as an example, I wasn't talking about the really jamed up places.