View Full Version : Doherty to be questioned over balcony death plunge

10-07-2007, 08:19 PM
Rock star ... Pete Doherty
TROUBLED rock star Pete Doherty could face a murder investigation into the death of a partygoer who fell from a balcony.

A coroner dramatically suspended an inquest on Mark Blanco on Friday after hearing that one of Doherty's minders admitted he had pushed the man over.

A police investigation into the incident will now be re-opened and Doherty faces further questioning.

Coroner Dr Andrew Reid recorded an open verdict, saying "I have heard enough conflicting evidence."

He rejected suggestions of suicide or that Blanco may have died after trying to leap from the balcony to a lamppost.

Dr Reid said there was not enough information to determine whether the death was an accident or an unlawful killing.

"I am going to ask the Metropolitan Police to review and reopen the investigation," he said.

Jonathan Headlock Jeannevol, 27, called police three weeks after the December 3 tragedy, the inquest heard.

He said he pushed Blanco, 30, after he had been pestering Doherty but later withdrew his confession, saying: "I was off my head."

Evidence at the inquest included CCTV footage of Babyshambles singer Doherty, 28, running past the dying man without stopping to help before medics showed up.

The inquest also heard a testimony claiming that several people, including Jeannevol, were heard running on stairs in the apartment complex just before Blanco plunged to his death.

Blanco had been asked to leave a party in a second-floor flat in Whitechapel, London. But he returned and two minutes later was seen on CCTV plunging to the street below.

Blanco's mother Sheila told the inquest: "Very early on this was pre-judged as a suicide by the police."

The coroner's ruling sparked wild applause from his family.

Doherty, who was not required to appear at the inquest, checked out of rehab last week after allegedly staying off drugs for six weeks. He was put through a strict detoxification program at Clouds Clinic in Wiltshire in the UK's south-west and passed tests to prove he was clear of alcohol, crack cocaine and heroin, it has been reported.

The rocker, who is facing a potential jail sentence for drug and car offences, has now moved to a property outside of London.

His latest album Shotters Nation has recently been released.
