View Full Version : BBFC Rejects Revised Manhunt 2

Dark Drakan
10-08-2007, 09:02 PM
Looks like Manhunt 2 will still not see the light of day in the UK as the BBFC have rejected it in its revised form. Here is the statement the director of the BBFC issued:

We recognise that the distributor has made changes to the game, but we do not consider that these go far enough to address our concerns about the original version. The impact of the revisions on the bleakness and callousness of tone, or the essential nature of the gameplay, is clearly insufficient. There has been a reduction in the visual detail in some of the 'execution kills', but in others they retain their original visceral and casually sadistic nature. We did make suggestions for further changes to the game, but the distributor has chosen not to make them, and as a result we have rejected the game on both platforms. The decision on whether or not an appeal goes ahead lies with the distributor.

Rockstar have broken their silence with the following statement:

We are continuing to appeal the British Board of Film Classification's (BBFC) decision to deny the edited version of Manhunt 2 an 18+ certificate and thereby ban its release in the United Kingdom. The changes necessary in order to publish the game in Britain are unacceptable to us and represent a setback for video games.

The BBFC allows adults the freedom to decide for themselves when it comes to horror in movies and we think adults should be similarly allowed to decide for themselves when it comes to horror in video games, such as Manhunt 2.

Whole Article Can Be Read Here:

BBFC rejects revised Manhunt 2 - CVG.com (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=173296)

Big Evil
10-08-2007, 09:16 PM
You know what? F!ck them! This is a business, and when it comes to Manhunt 2, there is an audience that wants to enjoy the material the game contains. It blows me away to see governments trying to tell us what we should be seeing and enjoying. Just because THEY don't like the game's contents doesn't mean that UK gamers don't like it. I'm sure they love it just as much as I do. Not sure what that says for myself and others, but dammit if we want gore we should be able to get it, and I'm sick of government agencies trying to tell us what is right for us.

Let me just sum this up... if the PARENTS don't like the games, DON'T BUY THEM FOR YOUR KIDS! If the GOVERNMENT doesn't like the games, THEN DON'T F!CK IT UP FOR THE REST OF US!

Dark Drakan
10-10-2007, 12:09 AM
I couldnt agree more, i think banning things anywhere is a pathetic way to push an issue under the carpet and make it someone elses problem. People who are of legal age shouldnt have the content taken away from them too, makes a mockery of the age rating system in the first place. Why have anything thats 18+ rated if it can be banned if the BBFC or ESRB think that it violates something in those rules. We are adults and should be able to make our own decisions, if people are afraid of children getting their hands on it then punish the shops more who supply to kids and the parents who buy them for their kids. Ive never believed violent video games cause violent behaviour in children but its those parents that buy the games for their kids without researching them enough that are quick to blame the games industry. If they re-educated themselves and paid attention to what content was in the games they were buying then we wouldnt have a problem. I mean they wouldnt go out and buy their 12 year old kid some hardcore porn so why would they an 18 rated game they know nothing about?