View Full Version : Plans for the WWE Title, Rey Mysterio to RAW, Kennedy, Orton

Dangerous Incorporated
10-10-2007, 11:21 AM
Source: F4Wonline.com

-- When John Cena went down with his injury, obviously most major WWE plans had to be thrown out the window. A creative meeting was scheduled for that Thursday to figure out to do about the WWE Title situation. Once WWE decided what to do, they made no mention of it hoping to generate more buys for No Mercy. Vince McMahon had decided last week that there was no real way to replace Cena and he wasn't going to try.

While Vince wasn't pleased with Cena going down, he felt like it was an opportunity to give Orton a monster push as he feels Orton is a red hot heel right now. There was a suggestion that Kennedy should be given a huge push, but Vince nixed it in favor of Orton. The idea is to keep putting the major heat on him for the neat future but to continue to build RAW around Triple H as he will be feuding with Kennedy, Vince, Orton and others.

-- RAW writer Brian Gewirtz made a push to get Rey Mysterio on RAW when Cena went down, noting that Rey is big with kids like Cena and there would be many fresh opponents for Rey on the RAW brand. There has been talk of moving Rey over to RAW for some time now, but the talks have picked up as of late. The idea is still up in the air, but the feeling is taking him off SmackDown would hurt the brand because SmackDown's ratings are big with kids and Hispanics and Mysterio is big with both of those demographics.

10-11-2007, 01:06 AM
I don't want to see a Cena replacement on RAW, I'm happy without Cena there. Rey can stay on SD!...

10-11-2007, 01:30 PM
I agree with Vince Orton was the better choice over Kennedy. To me Kennedy hasn't done enough to be champion on Raw yet. If he was still on SD Kennedy might actually be champion right now.

10-11-2007, 04:27 PM
please don't move rey to raw. that dude bores me to tears and would not fit on the raw brand at all. as far as kennedy, he's over with me but i think it is a bit soon to put the belt on him. orton is the right choice right now. he's awful on the mic but the ring work is entertaining enough to be able to carry the belt for a few months.

10-11-2007, 11:52 PM
I like Rey and everything, but I honestly don't see him as top-card material. He should stay on Smackdown, but if he does go to Raw, I guess I wouldn't mind him as the IC champion.

10-12-2007, 01:08 AM
rey is not WWE champ material. besides his size, if you look at the main contenders for he WWE title including orton, Rey is out sized weighed and out talented IMO