View Full Version : Northgate High School Hauntings

05-19-2006, 08:51 AM
there are many hauntings about this school you can basically talk to any one that goes there and they can tell you stories. The janitors especially. One story that happened to me and a freind we were walking past the cemetary in the middle of the campus and we saw a man dressed in old cloths watching us we looked at eachother then looked back at the man but when we turned back he wasnt there any more. A few years ago two people were rehersing in our cafeteria and started to hear the sound of some one cooking (this was late at night and nobody was there) all of the sudden they heard noises of someone slaming pans and breaking plates all over the floor then all at once they didnt smell the bacon and the sounds stopped. almost right after the sounds stopped they heard the sound of someone trying to get on the doors leading into the cafeteria the doors were locked. A similar story happened to the cheerleaders who were there for camp they no longer camp in the cafeteria. About 2 weeks ago we had a wrestling match well the bus didnt get back till about 1 or 2 in the morning well the wrestling coach was in his office and heard two people talking he went outside thinking that some of his wrestler's rides had not shown up yet well when he walked outside there was nobody there so he just walked back into his office. When he got back he heard four voices which now sounded like they were fighting so he ran outside and nobody was there. He then walked back inside ti gather his things but as he was walkin to his car the voices started yelling for him to come back talk alittle he turned around seeing nothing ran to his car and then drove off. many people dont believe us and our stories but maybe you should stop by and see for yourself.

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