View Full Version : I Have a Ghost Experience

05-19-2006, 08:52 AM
And here it is....

My name is Emily and I am now currently 22. Here are the experiences that both me and my Mother have had in our old townhome.

We moved to a townhome when I was about 3 years old from an apartment. I don't recall anything spooky happening back then but my Mother tells me that when I was at that age that I would complain that someone was always touching the top of my head constantly. Moving forward a few years. When I was about 14 or 15 my Mother had an experience in one of our upstairs bedrooms. She told me she was lying in bed one night very depressed because of money problems she was having when all of the sudden she felt something wrapped around her like something was hugging her and wouldnt let go. She told me that she said a few "our fathers" and a few "hail Mary's" and whatever it was stopped. She said she wasnt scared when it happened it just felt like whatever it was wanted to confort her. Also we had weird things happen in our house. We would see dark things out of the corners of our eyes, our stero would turn on and off when the remote was clear across the room with no bateries in it. One day I remember coming home from school and the t.v in my room was on. (My room was now my Mothers old room, due to my Stepfather moving in with us.) I had not had the t.v on the night before or in the morning when I woke up to get ready for school. Also back to my mothers experience. She was speaking on the phone to one of her friends and tried to tell them about what was happening in our house. The moment she started to talk about it, the phone cut off competely. She called her friend back and tried to explain it again thinking that it was just the batery on the phone going dead. When she tried to tell her again for the 2nd time the phone cut off again. My Mother said she left the house after the second time and didnt come back till she knew when I would be home. I also had an experience simular to my Mother's. I was lying in my bed at night in one of those half asleep half awake states when I all of the sudden felt an extreme amount of preasure on my back as if someone were laying ontop of me. By now I was competely awake. I tried to get up and it pushed me back down smuthering me in my pillow. I remember thinking in my head..."stop you're going to sufficate me." I also remember my Mother saying she said the "our father's" and "hail Mary's" and it went away. So I started to say them also and it went away. I was so scared that I couldnt even call out to my Mother or Stepfather so I started banging loudly on my headboard hoping that one of them would wake up and hear me. My Stepfather came in my room and said "What's going on in here" I immediately starting crying and told him to get My Mom. My Mother came in my room and I made her sleep in my bed with me. My bed is an antique from the 1920's. My Grandmother got it for my Mother from a lady who had died in it. (I found this out as I was older and didn't own it anymore...thank god!) To this day I believe it was that Woman trying to get me to get out of her bed. She didnt like me but I assume she liked my Mother since she gave her a hug.