View Full Version : TNA PPV 'Bound For Glory' LIVE Coverage! 2007

10-14-2007, 04:38 AM

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Kurt Angle(c) vs. Sting

TNA X Division Championship Match
"Black Machismo" Jay Lethal(c) vs. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels

TNA World Tag Team Championship Match
Team Pacman(c) vs. "The Phenominal" AJ Styles & Tomko

Ultimate X Match
Latin American Xchange vs. Senshi & "Primetime" Elix Skipper of Triple X

15-Man Fight For The Right Match
Participants include: Robert Roode, James Storm, B.G. James, Kip James, Lance Hoyt,
Jimmy Rave, Chris Harris, Chris Sabin, Alex Shelley, Kazarian, Eric Young, Petey Williams,
plus 3 more TBA
Winner becomes the #1 Contender for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Monster's Ball Match
Raven vs. "The Monster" Abyss vs. Black Reign vs. "The War Machine" Rhino

2 Out of 3 Tables Match
Team 3D vs. The Steiner Brothers

Knockouts Gauntlet Match for the First Ever TNA Womens Championship
Participants include: Christy Hemme, Gail Kim, Jackie Moore, Ms. Brooks, Roxxy Laveaux, ODB, Angel Williams, Shelly Martinez, Talia Madison, & Amazing Kong

Samoa Joe vs. "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage
with Special Enforcer Matt Morgan



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10-14-2007, 04:44 AM
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Preshow Coverage

We start off with Jeremy Borash inside the Gwinnett Center to talk about Bound for Glory. He says that this is the biggest night in TNA history. He mentions the Ultimate X, Monster’s Ball, Knockouts Title Match, and the TNA Heavyweight Title Match featuring Sting and Kurt Angle. Jeremy mentions Kurt Angle’s Olympic victory in Atlanta and Sting’s success in Atlanta.

We have a video package for the participants in the Monster’s Ball Match. It asks who will be standing at the end of Monster’s Ball. We go to a video package for the Women’s Gauntlet Match with quotes from some of the participants included in with the videos of the women in action in the ring.

We go to a video package about Pacman Jones with comments from A.J. Styles saying that we will see what he has to offer. The next video package is for the X Division Title Match and is starts off showing footage of Christopher Daniels and his discussions with the ‘higher power’. We then see footage of Jay Lethal.

We then see a video package for the Ultimate X Match and it talks about the evolution of the match over the last five years. We are reminded that the winner of the Ultimate X Match will be the new number one contenders for the Tag Team Titles. We go back to Jeremy in the arena and he talks about how the building will be full with fans from all over the world. Jeremy runs through more of the matches on the show and he focuses on the Tables Match between Team 3D and the Steiners.

We go to a video package for the Tables Match. Jeremy has moved in the arena and he points out that this is the biggest pay per view event of the year one more time. He talks about the match between Samoa Joe and Christian Cage and how Matt Morgan will be the guest enforcer for the match.

We go to a video package for the Samoa Joe/Christian Cage match. Jeremy is back in the arena to talk about the pay per view. Jeremy talks about the history of Atlanta and the men in the main event. He reminds us of Kurt’s Olympic Gold Medal victory and Sting’s career in Atlanta. We have a video package for the Sting/Kurt Angle match.

Jeremy tells us that it is time to go to the building and we see the video package for Bound for Glory that aired at the end of this week’s episode of Impact.

TNA PPV Bound For Glory - 14th October, 2007
Location - Gwinnett Center in Atlanta, Geeorgia.
Announcers - Don West and Mike Tenay

TNA promo hits the screen.

Video package showing how important 'Bound for Glory' is to TNA.

Graphic hit welcoming us to Bound for Glory and we go LIVE to the arena at Gwinnett Center in Atlanta, Geeorgia.

Ultimate X Match: Triple X (Elix Skipper and Senshi) vs Latin American Xchange

There is an X hanging from the cables for this match. Senshi and Skipper try to climb the towers but Senshi is pushed to the floor and Elix Skipper comes off the tower. Homicide with a flying back elbow while he punches Skipper. Hernandez and Senshi battle on the floor. Hernandez hits a flying shoulder tackle on Skipper. Homicide catapults Skipper into Hernandez who catches Skipper and Hernandez hits an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Homicide with a running clothesline to Skipper followed by a splash by Hernandez. Senshi with a springboard forearm to Hernandez. Skipper pulls Homicide off the tower and Senshi with a face driver to Homicide. Skipper with a kick and DDT to Homicide. Senshi with kicks to Hernandez but Hernandez throws Senshi across the ring. Skipper tries to climb to the cables but Hernandez pulls him down. Hernandez gets Skipper on his shoulder and hits a backbreaker. Homicide climbs the tower while Hernandez deals with Skipper and Senshi is down. Homicide approaches the X but Senshi gets up and kicks Homicide off. Hernandez pulls Senshi down and then kicks him out of the ring. Hernandez hits Senshi on the apron while Homicide and Skipper exchange punches and forearms. Skipper with forearms to Homicide while Senshi hits a boot to Hernandez’s head. Senshi with a Dragon Sleeper on Hernandez in the corner. Skipper with an overhead belly-to-belly throw on Homicide. Hernandez with a chop to Skipper.

Senshi attacks Hernandez and connects with a series of slaps. Hernandez with a running shoulder tackle that knocks Senshi through the ropes. Homicide with the tope con hilo onto Senshi. Skipper climbs the turnbuckles and onto the cables but Hernandez pulls Skipper down. Hernandez with a biel to Skipper into the turnbuckles. Hernandez climbs the turnbuckles and goes across the cables. Hernandez is by the X and Skipper tries to stop him. Skipper with a drop kick to Hernandez’s back and Hernandez goes down. Senshi climbs the tower and grabs the cable. Hernandez pulls Senshi off and hits a sit out power bomb. Skipper and Homicide fight on the top of the tower with Homicide while Homicide holds on. Skipper with a cross body onto Hernandez from the top of the tower and the crowd continues to chant ‘TNA’.

Homicide climbs the tower but Skipper tries to stop him. Homicide avoids Skipper but Skipper follows after Homicide as they go across the cable and Homicide hits a neckbreaker as they both are down on the mat. Hernandez checks on Homicide and then he helps Homicide get up. Skipper and Senshi are still down on the mat. Homicide climbs the turnbuckles and up the tower. Senshi gets up and he punches Homicide and then Homicide sends Senshi into the tower. Homicide sets for the Gringo Killer from the top turnbuckle but Senshi fights out of it. Homicide is stuck in the tree of woe and Senshi with a double stomp to Homicide. Hernandez with a cracker jack to Senshi and then he sets for a plancha but Skipper with a kick. Hernandez with a running body block after he counters the Play of the Day. Hernandez with a border toss of Skipper onto Senshi and Homicide on the floor.

Hernandez is the only man in the ring and he climbs the turnbuckles and goes across the cables. Hernandez is in the center of the cables and he unhooks the X and hands it to Homicide for the win in about twelve minutes.

We see Kurt Angle, Karen Angle, and Kevin Nash all arrive separately.

Don and Mike talk about the matches on the card.

Don and Mike send things to Crystal and she is with Christian Cage, A.J. Styles, and Tomko. Crystal asks Styles and Tomko about their match and Christian interrupts. He tells Tomko not to be rude. Christian talks about the Fight for the Right Match with a bunch of guys who wish they were Christian Cage and knew how to win like him. Christian wants to know why he is not the Number One Contender. He asks A.J. and A.J. says that it is because of Samoa Joe. Christian says that he is sick and tired of Samoa Joe ruining things for him. Christian says that he will continue to stay never pinned and never submitted. Christian tells Matt Morgan that he is not in the mood tonight. Christian says that after his victory, he is going to find a way to get into the tournament. Crystal reminds A.J. that he can win the title in his home town. A.J. says that he is jacked and he is happy to be in his backyard. A.J. thanks his parents for the body. Tomko takes the mic and he tells Team Pacman that the fairy tale and charade ends because it is Tomko’s world. He says that he is going to put Pacman Jones’s face through the match. Tomko reminds A.J. that A.J. does not want to let him down tonight.

Fight for the Right Match

Dave Penzer discusses the rules of the match. Sixteen men will start outside the ring. The first eight men into the ring will qualify for stage two which is a battle royale. When there are two men left, they will wrestle until there is a winner.

The participants are Jimmy Rave, Lance Hoyt, Havok, Shark Boy, Petey Williams, Frankie Kazarian, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Sonjay Dutt, Kip James, BG James, James Storm, Eric Young, Robert Roode, Chris Harris, and Junior Fatu.

The match starts off and everyone tries to get into the ring. The first man in the ring is Junior Fatu. Kazarian and Roode fight on the top turnbuckle and Kazarian hits the Flux Capacitor to bring him and Roode into the match. Alex Shelley is the fourth man in. Eric Young with a rake of the eyes to Hoyt and then he climbs up the turnbuckles and Hoyt tries to press him to the floor but Hoyt’s eyes are raked and Young enters the ring fifth. Sabin is the sixth man into the ring. Hoyt tosses Havok to the floor and then he enters the ring seventh. Kip James is on the top rope and Harris punches Kip and Kip is sent to the floor. James Storm sneaks into the ring to become the eighth man. Chris Harris gets in the ring but he is too late as the referees send him out of the ring.

Stage Two begins Storm is eliminated by Eric Young to be seeded eighth. Sabin punches Roode and then Fatu punches Roode, Shelley, and Sabin. Fatu with a clothesline to Kazarian. Young bumps into Fatu and Young offers Fatu James Storm’s beer. Fatu slaps his rear end and Young does the same. Young tries to get Fatu up. Fatu with a Samoan drop to Kazarian and then he gives Roode a choke slam as he also deals with the Motor City Machine Guns. Four men are in the corner and Fatu with a running butt splash. Hoyt and Young fall into the corner and Fatu sets up for the Stinkface on Hoyt while Young uses Hoyt as a human shield. Hoyt with a big boot to Fatu and then Kazarian with a drop kick to Fatu that staggers him. Roode tries for a Northern Lariat but Fatu stays in the ring. Everyone tries to eliminate Fatu and a drop kick from Sabin is enough to get Fatu eliminated as the seventh seed. Kazarian is sent to the apron and Hoyt hits a choke slam after a springboard move. Shelley and Sabin try to double team Hoyt as they hit a series of kicks and elbows. Sabin with a drop kick to Roode. Shelley with an abdominal stretch on Young while he is tied up in Roode as Sabin works on Roode. Sabin with a rocket launcher leg drop onto Roode. Hoyt grabs Shelley but Shelley avoids the choke slam. Kazarian eliminates Sabin as the sixth seed. Kazarian hits a slingshot DDT on Shelley. Kazarian and Roode exchange punches and Hoyt and Young sends Kazarian and Roode to the apron but they hold on. Roode with an uranage to Kazarian to eliminate him as the fifth seed. Hoyt with a big boot to Young and then he sets up Young for a moonsault. Roode pushes Hoyt off the top turnbuckle to be the fourth seed.

We are down to the final three as Roode is pinballed back and forth between Shelley and Young. Shelley is sent to the apron by Roode and then Shelley is sent to the top turnbuckle. Roode sends Young into Shelley and Shelley is eliminated as the three seed.

We are down to the final two as Eric Young faces Robert Roode. Roode pushes Young and Young punches Roode. Roode and Young exchange punches but Roode gets his boot up for the charge. Young with a cross body on a belly-to-back attempt. Roode puts Young on the top turnbuckle and connects with a forearm to the back. Young with an elbow and Roode is knocked off the turnbuckles. Young misses a moonsault. Roode with a kick and the Payoff attempt but Young with an inside cradle for the victory in about twelve minutes and Roode is the number two seed.

Winner: Eric Young (#1 Seed)

We see the video package that aired earlier tonight.

Crystal is with Team Pacman and she asks them if they are ready. Killings says that they were born ready. They are here to defend their tag titles. He says that Styles and Tomko are great wrestlers, but they are better, badder, and they have home field advantage. Killings says that he has an announcement. Team Pacman is about readjustments. There is a fill in for tonight. That man will make his debut tonight. His name is Consequences Creed. Jones wonders where A.J. Styles is from. He says that when you talk about the streets and how to be a champion, you are talking about Pacman Jones. Tonight, they better buckle up because they are going to take them on a ride.

Kurt and Karen Angle are arguing in the hall and Kurt wants to know what the big deal is about slapping a kid. Karen says that Kurt is unreasonable. He is the one who made it personal and put their family in jeopardy by making it personal. Kurt says that he has Sting exactly where he wants her. Kurt tells Karen to get out of her face.

TNA Tag Title Match: Team Pacman (Ron Killings and Consequences Creed with Pacman Jones) versus A.J. Styles and Tomko

Creed and Styles start things off and Creed with an arm bar. Styles reverses and Creed does the same thing and puts Styles in a side head lock. Styles with a hammer lock and forearm. Styles with a drop kick into the corner but Creed with an arm drag and leg trip. Styles with a head scissors take down. Creed sends Styles into the corner and he hits a forearm and knee followed by a clothesline for a two count. Creed bumps into Tomko and Tomko wants the tag. Creed with a punch to Tomko and Tomko tries to get Creed up for a slam but Creed escapes the hold and Killings is tagged in. Tomko punches and kicks Killings in the corner. Killings with a missile drop kick and Killings follows with punches. Killings with a flying forearm. Tomko tosses Killings into the corner and punches Killings. Killings avoids Tomko and then hits a jumping leg lariat. Creed is tagged in and they Irish whip Tomko into the corner. Killings with a clothesline in the corner but Creed runs into a big boot. Styles is tagged in and Styles and Tomko double team Creed. Creed with punches but Styles with the phenomenal drop kick. Styles with a side head lock to Creed. Killings with a knee to Styles’s back and Creed with a series of punches to Styles and then he hits an elbow drop off Styles’s back. Killings is tagged in and he hits a gourdbuster driver on Styles. Styles avoids a clothesline and hits the Pele Kick. Tomko is tagged in and he clotheslines Creed and punches Killings. All four men are in the ring as Styles battles with Killings and hits a pump handle gutbuster. Creed with a waist lock but Creed with a Northern Lights suplex that sends Styles into the turnbuckles. Tomko with a fallaway slam to Creed. Killings with a punch to Tomko but Tomko punches Killings. Jones pulls the ropes down and Tomko goes to the floor. Tomko catches Creed as he comes off the apron and then Killings hits a somersault plancha onto Creed and Tomko. Styles gets up and then he hits a springboard shooting star press onto everyone on the floor. Styles rolls Killings back into the ring and Jones gets on the apron and he has some money. Styles takes the money and Killings with a rollup. Earl Hebner takes the money instead of making the count and Styles is able to kick out at two. Tomko with a big boot to Killings and then Styles with a springboard forearm to Killings. They hits a double team move on Killings for the three count in about nine minutes.

Winners: A.J. Styles and Tomko

Jeremy Borash is in the back with Karen Angle and Jeremy asks Karen if she knows what happens if Kurt loses. Karen says that she is aware and Kurt will not lose. Kevin Nash is in the locker room with Angel Williams and Karen tells Angel to leave. Karen wants Nash to talk to Kurt. Kevin says that Angle is more stubborn than Scott Hall. Karen cannot believe that Kevin will not talk to him. Karen says that they are both going to lose their meal ticket if Kurt loses. Karen wonders if Kevin is going to be wrestling again. Kevin says that he will talk to Kurt one more time. Kevin comments on Karen being a buzzkill between him and Angel.

The X Division Title Match is next.

We see the video packages that aired earlier during the pre-show.

Jay Lethal gets on the mic and he says that looking into the crowd it makes him want to say one thing. Lethal lets out an ‘Ooooooh Yeah’.

X Division Title Match: Jay Lethal vs Christopher Daniels

Daniels looks for advice from above before they lock up. Lethal with a side head lock but Daniels with a shoulder tackle and flying forearm that does not knock Lethal down. Lethal tells Daniels to do it again, but Daniels punches Lethal instead. Lethal with more punches but he misses a clothesline. Lethal with jabs to Daniels and Lethal with slingshot rana from the apron and that sends Daniels out of the ring. Lethal with a suicide dive onto Daniels. Lethal with a chop but Daniels with a thumb to the eyes. Lethal with a hip toss on the floor but Daniels rolls back into the ring. Lethal with a double sledge from the top for a two count. Lethal with a chop to Daniels followed by an Irish whip and a clothesline that sends Daniels over the top to the floor and then Lethal with a pescado onto Daniels. Daniels with an uranage into the guardrails. Daniels grabs a chair and then he slams Lethal onto the guardrails and he appears to have satisfied the entity that he talks to. Daniels rolls into the ring to stop the count. Lethal is rolled back into the ring and then Daniels follows. Daniels with a forearm to the back followed by a high back body drop. Daniels signals one for him before he returns to Lethal. Daniels with a suplex to Lethal and then he stands on Lethal’s back before hitting an Arabian press and puts Lethal in a crossface. Daniels with a hard Irish whip. Lethal with two near falls on rollups. Lethal with jabs to Daniels but Daniels with a drop kick. Daniels chokes Lethal on the mat while the referee admonishes him. Daniels with the Blue Thunder Driver for a two count. Daniels continues to work on Lethal’s back with more forearms. Lethal lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Lethal with an elbow and head scissors. Lethal with punches and a knee lift before he goes over the top rope to drop Daniels’s throat on the top rope. Lethal with a neck breaker and a butterfly suplex and bridge for a two count. Lethal with an enzuigiri but Daniels stays on his feet. Lethal misses a super kick. Lethal counters the Angel’s Wing and gets a two count with a rollup. Lethal with a face driver from a wheelbarrow position for a two count. Lethal with a chop to Daniels and then he is sent to the apron. Lethal tries for a springboard move but Daniels catches him and hits a Death Valley Driver. Daniels hits the BME but he can only get a two count. Daniels punches Lethal and the referee admonishes him again. Daniels looks above and he sets for Last Rites but Lethal gets out of the hold. Daniels misses an enzuigiri and then Lethal hits a Dragon suplex. Lethal misses a charge and Daniels puts Lethal on the top turnbuckle and hits a palm thrust. Daniels goes for a rana from the top but Lethal stays on the top turnbuckles. Lethal sets for the elbow drop but Daniels moves out of the way. Daniels gets a two count on a cover. Daniels puts Lethal on the top turnbuckle again and gives Lethal another palm thrust. They fight on the top turnbuckle and Lethal with chops to Daniels’s back. Lethal hits the Lethal Combination from the top for the three count in eleven minutes.

Winner: Jay Lethal

Crystal is with the Steiners and Scott tells Team 3D that they are out of their minds to come to Atlanta and to have a tables match. He tells them that they are going to be taking splinters out of their fat a**es and Scott focuses on that phrase. Rick says that this is the dog pound.

We have a video package for the Tables Match

Tables Match: Team 3D vs Steiner Brothers

Scott runs after Team 3D and the match starts at the entrance. Scott fights with Ray and he is sent into the guardrail. Scott is handed a beer and he takes a drink before showering Ray with it. Ray is slammed into the guardrail by Scott. Rick and Devon are in the ring while Scott and Ray finally make it into the ring. Rick with a clothesline to Devon and Scott with a Saito suplex to Ray. Time for the Steiners to pose as Team 3D leaves the ring. Team 3D head to the back but the Steiners stop them and they continue to work over Team 3D. Rick battles with Ray while Scott battles with Devon. Scott spits some beer in Devon’s face. Rick and Ray battle into the crowd and Rick hits Ray with a trash can. Devon and Scott join them and Scott punches Ray. Scott slams Ray into the wall. Scott hits Ray with a chair after he throws a trash can at him. Scott puts the trash can on top of Ray and Scott punches the trash can. Scott throws the trash can on Ray. Rick and Scott send Ray and Devon into each other as Ray calls for a time out. Rick and Devon battle into the seats and then Devon is sent into the wall.

We return to ringside and Scott puts a table in the ring. Rick sends Devon into the ringside area. Scott sends Devon into the guardrail. Devon is Irish whipped into the guardrail. Ray rolls into the ring and a table is set up by Scott. Devon and Rick also roll into the ring. Scott puts Ray on the top turnbuckle and Devon hits Scott in the back and Scott is sent out of the ring. Team 3D send Rick through the table with a 3D in about six minutes to get the one-to-nothing advantage.

Ray rolls Scott into the ring and Devon chokes Scott while Ray brings another table into the ring. They set up the table for Scott. Ray goes up top and Devon tries to get Scott up. Scott with an elbow to Devon and then he punches Ray in the groin. Scott with a Frankensteiner that sends Ray through the table to tie it at one table apiece at about eight minutes.

Devon punches Scott from behind on the floor and then Scott is rolled back into the ring. Devon follows and he kicks Scott. Devon kicks Rick from the apron and then he goes up top. Devon misses a diving head butt on Scott when Scott moves out of the way. Scott with a series of clotheslines and then Ray with a low blow to Scott when Devon holds on to the ropes. Ray takes off his belt and then he whips Scott. Team 3D goes outside the ring. Devon gets a table while Ray gets a few chairs from ringside. Devon chokes Scott. Devon puts Scott on the table, but the table collapses under Scott’s weight. Ray throws the table to the floor while Devon grabs another table. Scott is placed on the new table and then Ray pushes the referee away. Ray has the chair for Scott’s throat but the Motor City Machine Guns come to ringside to distract Team 3D. Devon tries to hit Scott with the chair but Scott moves and Devon hits Ray with the chair. Scott gets Devon up and Rick hits a bulldog through the table to win the match in about thirteen minutes.

Winners: Steiner Brothers (2 Tables to 1)

Jeremy Borash is with some of the women in the Gauntlet Match. Jeremy is with the four new women who did not wrestle on Impact. ODB takes the mic from Jeremy and she says that she is going to be the first Knockouts Champ. ODB says that Shelly Martinez is advertising. ODB says that Talia Madison knows what she is. ODB says that she has no idea who the other one is. Angel Williams yells at ODB and the other three women yell at ODB as she leaves. The other women leave and Jeremy says that the interview is not over. Jeremy turns around and sees Amazing Kong. He says that the interview is over.

The Women’s Gauntlet is next

Women’s Gauntlet Match to determine First TNA Women’s Champion

The first entrant in the Gauntlet Match is Traci Brooks. The second entrant is Jackie Moore. Traci has a few things to say to Jackie as the bell rings and Jackie punches Traci. Traci and Jackie exchange chops. Traci with a running boot to the head but Jackie with a back kick. Jackie with jabs followed by an elbow. Jackie with forearms to the back followed by a German suplex. Jackie kicks Traci in the back.

The third entrant is Shelly Martinez. Martinez hits Jackie but Jackie grabs Shelly by the throat. Shelly with a kick to Traci followed by a form of a DDT and a running forearm. Traci goes up top while Jackie punches Shelly. Traci with a senton from the top onto Martinez.

The fourth entrant is Awesome Kong. As Kong comes to the ring, the other three women wait for her entrance. Jackie does not appear to be afraid of Kong. Kong finally enters the ring and all three go after Kong. Kong fights them all off. Martinez kicks Kong.

The fifth entrant is ODB. Jackie Moore eliminates Traci Brooks and Kong eliminates Martinez. Kong with a butterfly piledriver to Jackie Moore and then she eliminates Jackie. ODB with forearms but they have no effect on Kong.

Angel Williams is the sixth entrant as Kong throws ODB to the mat. Williams climbs on Kong’s back and ODB punches Kong but Kong punches ODB. Kong snap mares Williams off her back. Williams with an enzuigiri and Kong does not move.

The seventh entrant is Christy Hemme while Kong with a double suplex on Williams and ODB. Christy hesitates as she gets to the apron. Kong pulls Christy into the ring and then she gets Christy up on a Torture Rack and has Christy kick herself in the head.

The eighth entrant is Gail Kim as Kong power bombs Hemme. Gail with a missile drop kick as she enters the ring. Kong pushes Gail off. Williams and ODB go after Kong and then she connects with a double clothesline. Hemme is down on the floor. Gail tries for a rana but Kong stays up. Gail chokes Kong and ODB and Williams help eliminate Kong.

Talia Madison is ninth and she hits a drop kick on Gail Kim. Williams does the Flair flip but she hits a stunner on Madison on the top rope. ODB and Gail Kim knock Williams out. ODB and Gail chop each other and ODB with a clothesline.

The final entrant is Roxxi Laveaux. ODB with a fallaway slam on Madison. ODB with a forearm to Madison’s back and then she slams Gail’s head into the turnbuckle. Roxxi goes after Gail but ODB pulls Roxxi off Gail. Roxxi punches ODB and runs her into the turnbuckles. Gail with forearms to Madison. Gail blocks a boot from Madison and Madison is eliminated. ODB is eliminated.

We are down to the final two between Roxxi Laveaux and Gail Kim. Gail and Roxxi exchange forearms but Roxxi with a fallaway slam for a two count. Roxxi with an Irish whip but Roxxi misses a charge. Gail with the octopus on Roxxi but Roxxi makes it to the ropes and Gail releases the hold. Gail goes up top but misses the missile drop kick. Roxxi is only able to get a two count. Roxxi gets Gail up for the Dominator but Gail with a rollup counter for a two count. Roxxi with a powerbomb and bridge for a two count. Roxxi spasms in the ring and misses a clothesline. Gail hits a version of the Kryptonite Krunch for the three count in twelve minutes.

Winner: Gail Kim

Jeremy Borash is in Kurt Angle’s locker room with Kevin Nash. Nash says that he knows that Angle’s mind is set on what he is going to do. Nash says that he can schmooze with Sting and says that Kurt lost his mind and apologize for what he did to Sting’s son. Kurt wonders if Nash is a p***y. He says that Nash lost his edge. Kurt says that Sting needs to apologize for slapping Karen. Nash says that he is not going to have Kurt’s back tonight. He says that he is not going to mess with Sting. Angle laughs at the suggestion that Nash is going to have his back and wonders if Nash can get in a ring. He tells Nash to get a ticket and watch like the rest of the fans. Nash yells at Angle and says that if he loses, he loses everything. Angle says that he is going to take a big, nasty, Nash.

We see the Samoa Joe/Christian Cage video package, and that match is next.

Samoa Joe versus Christian Cage with Special Enforcer Matt Morgan

Christian starts the match outside the ring and he takes his time getting in the ring. Joe leaves the ring and gets in Morgan’s face. Christian takes this time to enter the ring. Joe waits for the crowd to chant that ‘Joe’s gonna kill you’ to enter the ring. Christian has a few things to say to Joe. Joe tries for a kick but Christian moves out of the way. They lock up and Joe slams Christian’s face into the mat. Christian with a waist lock but Joe with a side head lock. Christian tries for an Irish whip but Joe holds on to the side head lock. Joe with a shoulder tackle to Christian as there is a dueling chant in the building. Christian backs Joe into the corner and he teases a clean break and slaps Joe. Joe responds with a slap of his own. Joe with a running knee into the corner followed by the face wash and running boot to the face but Christian moves out of the way. Christian with chops and kicks to the leg. Christian charges into an elbow and then Joe hits a leg lariat from the turnbuckles. Joe with a chop followed by a kick. Christian tries for a leap frog but Joe with a flap jack followed by a knee drop. Christian goes to the apron and then he goes up top. Joe puts Christian in the top turnbuckle and chops Christian followed by a running drop kick to Christian in the tree of woe. They go to the apron and Joe tries to suplex Christian but Christian blocks it. Christian uses the ropes for momentum to kick Joe. Christian goes up top but misses a cross body and hits the guardrail. Joe with a flying forearm on a suicide dive. Joe takes a chair and he sets up for the Ole Kick. Christian Irish whips Joe into the apron and then he charges at Joe but Joe tries to send Christian into the ring but Christian bounces off the ropes and hits a DDT. Christian rolls Joe into the ring and he kicks Joe in the head. Christian chokes Joe in the ropes and then plays off the crowd. Joe with elbows and forearms followed by punches. Christian with a back elbow for a near fall. Christian with a triangle choke but Joe gets to his feet. Christian with an inverted DDT for a two count. Christian goes to the apron and up top but he misses a Frog Splash. Joe and Christian exchange punches but Joe with a number of slaps and he sends Christian to the apron. Christian tries for a springboard move back into the ring but Joe with a jumping spin kick.

Christian backs into Matt Morgan and then Joe hits a corkscrew plancha onto Christian. They return to the ring and Joe with a number of clotheslines. Joe charges into an elbow and Christian tries for a move from the turnbuckles but Joe moves out of the way. Joe with a lariat but he can only get a two count. Joe puts Christian on the top turnbuckle but Christian fights out of the muscle buster. Christian jumps over Joe and Joe sets for the choke but Christian tries for the Unprettier. Joe gets out of the hold and then he hits a power bomb into the turnbuckle followed by a reverse atomic drop, Yakuza Kick, and running senton splash for a two count. Joe punches Christian in the neck and then he punches Joe in the corner. Christian with a power bomb and uses the ropes for leverage but Joe kicks out at two. Christian tries fro a rollup but Joe counters with the choke. Christian escapes the choke. Joe with a kick to Christian’s head followed by a scoop power slam for a two count. Christian goes to the apron and then they both go up top. Joe with head butts to Christian and Joe goes to the mat while Christian falls to the floor.

Tomko comes to the ring but Matt Morgan gets in the way. Morgan and Tomko exchange punches at ringside. A.J. Styles comes out while Morgan puts Tomko into the table. Morgan pulls Styles off the apron and then Styles is thrown into Tomko.

The action returns to the ring and Christian with a low blow followed by the Unprettier but Joe kicks out at two. Christian with a choke on Joe but Joe gets up and runs Christian into the turnbuckles and hits an enzuigiri and then the muscle buster. Joe puts Christian in the choke and Christian taps in just under sixteen minutes.

Winner: Samoa Joe

We go to the back where Jeremy Borash is with Kevin Nash and Jeremy asks Nash if he wants to do it. Nash stops to talk to Sting. He says that this is just a wrestling match at the end of the day. What Kurt did was wrong. Sting says that it went to far when he laid his hands on his son. Sting says that this is about respect and that is something that Angle does not know. Sting wants to know why Nash is protecting Angle. Nash says that Angle is all that he has. Sting is in the main event and this is the closest that he is going to get to the game. Sting says that he is sorry but Game Over.

A video package for the Monster’s Ball Match is shown, and that is the next match.

Monster’s Ball Match: Raven versus Abyss versus Rhino versus Black Reign

Rhino starts the match before Abyss comes to the ring and he goes after Black Reign and Raven. Abyss comes to the ring as Raven and Black Reign stop for Abyss to enter the ring. Abyss with a boot to Raven and then he tries for a clothesline on Black Reign but Black Reign moves. Raven hits Abyss with the kendo stick and then Rhino hits Raven with the shopping cart. Rhino hits Raven and Black Reign with a trash can lid. Rhino with a drop toe hold to Raven on the shopping cart. Rhino runs the shopping cart into Black Reign’s groin. He hits Raven with the trash can and put the can in front of Black Reign. Rhino tees off on the trash can. Rhino hits Black Reign in the head with the trash can. Raven charges at Rhino but he misses and goes into the shopping cart. Abyss punches Rhino but Rhino clotheslines Abyss over the top rope to the floor. Rhino sends Raven out of the ring. Rhino hits Raven in the head with a trash can lid. Abyss and Black Reign fight towards the entrance. Black Reign punches Abyss and sends him into the guardrails. Raven is sent into the guardrails by Rhino. Abyss climbs on the stage but Rhino takes Abyss down. Rhino sets for a Gore off the stage but Abyss moves and Rhino goes through the wall and to the floor. Raven and Black Reign attack Abyss while Rhino is down. Black Reign goes into the crowd while Raven puts Abyss on a table. Black Reign signals for Raven to come up but Raven tells Black Reign to get Abyss. Black Reign has second thoughts and pushes Black Reign out of the way. Raven hits an elbow drop from the bleachers through the table. Raven is bleeding from the head while he holds his wrist. Black Reign carries Abyss to the ring and he rolls him into the ring. Black Reign is pulled out by Raven and Raven covers Abyss. Raven puts the snot rag in Black Reign’s face. Black Reign and Raven battle and Raven is put in the corner as Black Reign kicks Raven in the groin. Abyss is up and he has one of his bags. Black Reign with a Pedigree on Abyss.

Rhino staggers into the ring while Raven grabs the kendo stick. Rhino sets for the GORE on Black Reign but Black Reign has his weapon. That does not stop Rhino from hitting the GORE. Raven hits Rhino and Abyss with the kendo stick. Abyss pours the tacks on the mat but James Mitchell brings another bag to the ring. Raven kicks Abyss in the head as Raven mixes glass with the thumbtacks. Raven sets for a DDT but Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam on the glass and tacks for the three count in about ten minutes.

Winner: Abyss

We see a video package for the Heavyweight Title Match since the main event is next.

TNA Heavyweight Title Match: Kurt Angle versus Sting

They lock up and Sting backs Angle into the ropes. Sting with a clean break. They lock up again and Angle with a waist lock but Sting with a standing switch. Angle makes it to the ropes and Sting with another clean break. Angle with an arm bar and single leg trip. Angle continues with the arm bar but Sting reverses and wrings the arm. Angle makes it to the ropes and Sting with another clean break. Sting with a side head lock and take down. Angle with a head scissors but Sting escapes the hold and both men are at a stalemate. Angle with a side head lock to Sting and shoulder tackle. Sting with a hip toss and Angle goes to the floor. Angle returns to the ring and he kicks Sting followed by a European uppercut and chop. Angle with another chop but Sting turns the tables with a punch and kick. Sting with the punches of ten to Angle and Sting screams for the fans.

Angle with a kick and European uppercut. Sting misses a drop kick but Angle goes for the legs. Sting pushes Angle off and hits a drop kick followed by a clothesline that sends Angle over the top rope to the floor. Sting sends Angle into the guardrails as he takes Angle around the ring and then he slams Angle’s head onto the announce table. Sting rolls in to break up the count. Sting rolls Angle back into the ring. Angle with a kick to Sting followed by an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and runs his shoulder into the post. Sting tries for the Scorpion Death Drop but Angle counters and hits a German suplex. Angle with a backbreaker to Sting for a two count. Angle with another two count.

Angle with a European uppercut in the corner followed by punches and kicks. Angle chokes Sting with his boot. Angle hits a vertical suplex for a two count. Angle with a body scissors on Sting and he turns it into a side head lock. Sting with elbows to Angle but Angle with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Angle with a snap mare and then he has Sting in a rear chin lock with his knee in Sting’s back. Sting gets to his feet and gets out of the hold. Sting and Angle each hit clotheslines and both men go down in the center of the ring.

Sting and Angle get to their feet and they exchange punches with Sting getting the advantage. Sting with clotheslines to Angle but Angle with a kick. Sting with a spinebuster to Angle for a two count. Sting sets for the Stinger Splash and he hits it. Sting with one to Angle’s back. Sting with a bulldog and then Sting goes up top. Angle is up and he hits an overhead belly-to-belly superplex for a two count. Angle tries for the Olympic Slam but Sting with a counter into a sunset flip for a two count.

Angle hits the Three Rivers German suplex combination but he can only get a two count. Angle’s straps are down and he puts Sting in the ankle lock and he pulls Sting into the center of the ring. Sting counters and he puts Angle in the Scorpion Death Lock. Angle is about to tap but Karen Angle comes to the ring. Sting releases the hold and he tells Karen to leave. The referee sends Karen out of the ring. Kevin Nash comes into the ring and he clotheslines Sting. Angle with the Olympic Slam but the referee is dealing with Karen Angle. Angle can only get a two count. Angle puts Sting on the top turnbuckle for a superplex, but Sting knocks Angle off. Sting tries for a frog splash but Angle gets his knees up and Angle is only able to hit a two count.

Angle with a standing power slam to Sting and then he goes up top. Angle hits a 450 splash on Sting with his knees but Sting kicks out at two. Angle puts Sting in the ankle lock and Nash taunts Sting. Sting rolls through and sends Angle into Nash. Angle knocks the referee out and Sting hits the Scorpion Death Drop. Sting covers Angle but there is no referee. A second referee comes into the ring but Nash pulls that referee out of the ring and Nash punches the referee.

Nash enters the ring and he punches Sting and connects with elbows in the corner followed by knees. Angle and Nash Irish whip Sting but Sting with a double clothesline. Sting punches Nash but Angle with a low blow to Sting. Angle gets the baseball bat but Sting blocks it. Sting hits Angle with the bat and then he hits Nash with the bat while he tries to get back into the ring. Sting is bleeding and he hits the Scorpion Death Drop for the three count to become the New TNA Heavyweight Champion in eighteen and a half minutes.

Winner: Sting

10-15-2007, 01:06 AM
Go Sting, kick his ass :)

10-15-2007, 01:14 AM
Im hopeing Sting will win it too, just this time i would like for his title run to be longer than a month

10-15-2007, 01:19 AM
I am curious if Angles DUI will mess him up somehow. Will they make him lose because of it?

10-15-2007, 02:02 AM
Pacman makes me laugh every time i see him on the show lol amazing what these companies will do.

10-15-2007, 02:37 AM
Tables match should be fun :)

10-15-2007, 02:41 AM
Pacman makes me laugh every time i see him on the show lol amazing what these companies will do.

U have to get advertising some way lol

wow Lethal actually got to win a match.

10-15-2007, 02:55 AM
LOL Team 3D loses a tables match. Thats kind of funny.

10-15-2007, 02:56 AM
Bloody Steiner Brothers :( I wanted Team 3D to win.

10-15-2007, 03:06 AM
Roxxi spasms in the ring and misses a clothesline.

Nothing like losing after a good spasm. lol

10-15-2007, 03:16 AM
lol .. I kind of new she would win. Good for her. I remember TNA and TNA fans saying how shitty it was having women wrestlers and that TNA will never have them.

Well, look at them now lol

10-15-2007, 03:18 AM
so far good ppv, guess that ends the era of pacman in tna??

10-15-2007, 03:31 AM
so far good ppv, guess that ends the era of pacman in tna??

That alone makes it a good PPV.

10-15-2007, 03:33 AM
That alone makes it a good PPV.

lol very true. maybe now theyll save that 15000 or w.e they were paying him an appearance and spend it on there talent to keep them around and happy.

10-15-2007, 04:08 AM
It was an O.K. PPV. Gail Kim winning was predictable and the Monsters Ball match was terrible. Will Sting be anything more than a transitional champion?

10-15-2007, 04:15 AM
I am happy Sting won, I am over Angle but I still wonder if Angle lost due to his DUI situation. Not a bad PPV, they pulled one out of the bag for once.

Flair Country
10-15-2007, 04:24 AM
Was I the only one that caught Amazing Kong's top flying off? It figures the ugliest woman in the match is the one with the wardrobe malfunction...:shifty:

10-15-2007, 04:59 AM
lol We will have pics posted of that just for you :wink:

10-15-2007, 05:13 AM
rick steiner is a robot, he shouldnt be in tna. he cant move

10-15-2007, 05:14 AM
and, does anyone have photos of the other side of the arena, i have a feeling it may have been almost empty, could be wrong.
im thinking 6,000 or so were there

Bad Boy
10-15-2007, 05:42 AM
good PPV, and Sting as champ is always a good thing

Kenpachi Zaraki
10-16-2007, 09:46 AM
sting champ yeah baby....but eric young??????????????

10-17-2007, 03:51 AM
and, does anyone have photos of the other side of the arena, i have a feeling it may have been almost empty, could be wrong.
im thinking 6,000 or so were there

I'm curious about this too. They haven't put 6,000 in an arena ever. They draw like 1200 to shows, 800 to Impact, so if they drew 6k then it was a good day for TNA.

10-17-2007, 03:39 PM
You would think they would draw mor than that though, I find that number quite surprising.