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View Full Version : Breaking Report: TNA World Champion Sting Retiring?

Black Widow
10-15-2007, 11:55 PM
Source: Wrestling Observer

- TNA World Champion Sting has been telling people that he will be retiring at the end of this year.

Some people within TNA believe Sting has been using the retirement card as a way to get a raise from the company. Dixie Carter wants to keep Sting around TNA, even though Jeff Jarrett wasn't big on re-signing Sting last year.

Sting has a very nice contract with TNA, as he doesn't have to work the house shows or international dates and still receives premium pay.

10-16-2007, 12:04 AM
i wouldnt miss sting but tnas rating may suffer

10-16-2007, 12:48 AM
I would .

Vick Diesel
10-16-2007, 01:09 AM
I'm definitely gonna miss Sting when he retires at the end of this year,...when Sting first signed with TNA back in 2006 he put in his signing clause that he wouldn't do house shows or do any international shows as his family comes first, and Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett both signed off on it,...as far as his pay,...if you want STING you're gonna have to pay him big money,...Sting is a household name when it comes to wrestling and he deserves every bit of the money that he makes! :o)

That's just my opinion


10-16-2007, 01:14 AM
Amen to that.

10-16-2007, 03:22 AM
if sting does retire let him in retire with a belt with dignity, one last match win the belt then make it vacant, have a show advertising his retirement, try get ric flair to appear, vader and others tha would be sweet.
but id rather him keep wrestling he still is good talent

10-18-2007, 08:45 AM
Before I get some mark calling me an ass again, I'll state that Sting is my favorite wrestler of all time and I wouldn't mind if he wrestled until he died, but the fact is that he hasn't drawn a dime for TNA, hasn't boosted Buy rates or ratings and TNA would be no worse off without him.

Vick Diesel
10-19-2007, 03:25 AM
Sting in my opinion has helped make TNA more popular than what it was 2 years ago,...When I go to Best Buy to buy TNA videos,...there are more people buying these wrestling videos than the ones produced by the WWE,..the TNA videos have been bought out,... where as the ones from WWE are still on the shelf,....soo if you don't think that Sting isn't bringing a dime to TNA,..then you need to open your eyes more!:rolleyes:

Sting is the most popular wrestler in TNA,...he also has the majority of fans!:dance:


10-19-2007, 03:32 AM
so your basing his value, not on things that can be actually proven and are significant like ratings and buy rates, which have stayed the same, but rather on how many videos are sold at the best buy where you live? What would that be like 6 videos?

10-22-2007, 03:47 AM
sting is a legend but he's been living off that legend for a decade. when was the last time sting really mattered? 1998? the guy will be thought of as one of the greats but even ric flair said himself that sting in his prime didn't pack the houses when he was champ in wcw...why would he do anything special for tna now?

10-22-2007, 11:27 PM
Sting hasnt been relevant in 10 years. Bringing in sting to wrestle seemed like a desparate move . did it pay off? i didnt notice if it did cuz i change the channel . oh yea Will your an ass again .

10-23-2007, 01:24 AM
Sting hasnt been relevant in 10 years. Bringing in sting to wrestle seemed like a desparate move . did it pay off? i didnt notice if it did cuz i change the channel . oh yea Will your an ass again .

Is that a joke or something, because we are saying the same thing and i didnt know you were one of the dumbass marks on the board before now, so it seems like a joke thats not very funny.

10-24-2007, 07:12 AM
Sting in my opinion has helped make TNA more popular than what it was 2 years ago,...When I go to Best Buy to buy TNA videos,...there are more people buying these wrestling videos than the ones produced by the WWE,..the TNA videos have been bought out,... where as the ones from WWE are still on the shelf,....soo if you don't think that Sting isn't bringing a dime to TNA,..then you need to open your eyes more!:rolleyes:

Sting is the most popular wrestler in TNA,...he also has the majority of fans!:dance:


That is some crazy blind devotion you have there. You know Best Buy gets about 100 times more WWE dvds than Tna dvds right? So its kind of easy to sell out when theres only like 3 TNA dvds on the shelf. TNA needs to stop wasting money on Sting because he doesnt draw. Ratings are the same and TNA is still in the red.
Surfer Sting=GOOD
Crow Sting=LAME

10-24-2007, 02:13 PM
uh yea it was a joke WILL relax

10-25-2007, 03:27 AM
You get attacked by the marks like I do and then tell me its still funny. Every idiot thats still trying to evolve to cave man level likes to take shots at me and call me names when I disagree with them or call them on their bs. I don't need people cussing at me for no reason at all except for their lack of ability to live in a civilized society and any resemblance of intelligence. In complete honesty every other part of this board is great but, with the exception of a select few such as Ryan, BME, Corey, Dave, jman and one or two more whose names escape me at the moment, the dumbest fans in the world frequent this wrestling sections on this board and I'm done wasting my time with them. I'll stick to the other sections and you can deal with these people.Replies to this would be a lesson in futility because I wont be in here again to read it.