View Full Version : Stephanie's Behavior After Candice Got Hurt, Chris Jericho Update, Bret Hart And More

Black Widow
10-25-2007, 12:34 AM
MB reporting. ... I saw your post regarding the two WWE.com videos about Candice Michelle's injury. In the second video, you can hear Candice asking for some water. You then hear Stephanie McMahon say "Let her drink" and she then tries to give Candice some water. Besides causing Candice to gag on the water and then start to panic, giving water to any pre-hospital patient is a big no-no. There is a standing "nothing by mouth" order. I was surprised Candice was allowed any water while she was still in the ring. I don't think the Doctor/Trainer in the ring with her knew how bad the injury was initially as he wanted her to walk out on her own. Anyway, the point of this whole email is that thirst is one of the signs and symptoms of spinal injury. This would be a classic case of Stephanie McMahon overstepping her authority by giving Candice any water. Not only did she make the situation far worse by gagging her with the water but she had absolutely no right to give her any in the first place.

Andrew Taylor reporting. ... I thought I'd write to let you know of some Bret Hart book news. Chapters.Indigo.ca is running large ads now in our Toronto Subway system with a number of Canadian celebrities including Dan Ackroyd, writer Margaret Atwood, comedian Rick Mercer, and Bret Hart. It's a good plug for Bret's book, as it sets him as a peer amongst other celebrities, rather than just a wrestler.

Sidney Stokes reporting. ... Chris Jericho was on The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch last night. He was talking about how he wrestled in Mexico and Japan and mentioned getting in trouble with the Yakuza (Japanese mafia) for breaking a vase and almost getting his finger cut off because of it. he also talked about getting robbed at gunpoint in Mexico. Donny said, "Vince McMahon has a wonderful organization". Chris said that his biggest goal was to get into "Vince McMahon's WWE." When the segment ended Donny referred to Y2J as "Professional wrestler Chris Jericho."

The Condemned is up to almost 16 million dollars in DVD rentals.


10-25-2007, 01:20 AM

The Mac
10-29-2007, 10:50 AM
im sooo looking forward to that bret hart book
i hope it not all just about him bitching bout past stuff