View Full Version : Ecw Original Pulls Old Andy Kaufman Antics At Smashing Pumpkins' Philadelphia Finale

Black Widow
10-25-2007, 04:53 PM

I read the account of Lou E. Dangerously's appearance at the Smashing Pumpkins concert in Philadelphia on Monday. Well, last night in Philadelphia he did it again, but I must say it was awesome. There was any acknowledgment made of ECW, WWE, or any wrestling names Lou D'Angeli has used which even makes this better in my opinion. D'Angeli played a true part right out of Andy Kauffman's anticks.

The Pumpkins show was broken into two parts, acoustic and electric. D'Angeli came out (to boos, probably from people who saw him the night prior berate everyone) and gave the Pumpkins a tremendous intro talking about their rich history and the rarity of this show. He gave Corgan a high five and TSP launched into their acoustic set.

Once their acoustic set finished, D'Angeli appeared back on stage and began setting up a microphone, table, a stool, two bottles of water, and a incense burner. He left as the roadies tore down the rest of the stage preparing for the electric set HOWEVER they never touched D'Angeli's area.

The lights went fully out and the place went crazy. However, it was Lou appearing on stage on a stool with a book. He announced that the remainder of the evening would consist of him reading poetry to the crowd. Well, he made it through about 4 lines and the place was all over him. He stopped and announced that he was an artist and to please be quiet.

Lou said he would start the poem over, and he did. This time he made it about 2 lines and people began jeering him. He stopped again and said it was really disrespectful what the fans were doing to him while reading his works (by the way I was sitting close enough to see he was reading some kind of anthology) - He announced he would start the poem again. At this point the place was going crazy and chanting for Billy.

The calm poet D'Angeli was playing snapped and said if the place didn't shut up, he would leave, the place went nuts and he left. The house lights went back on and the place cheered him leaving. THEN, he came back to apologize. His form of apology would be to read the longest poem he could find. This was CLASSIC! The crowd was all over him and he really left as the house lights went down and TSP took the stage.

I have to say, as a wrestling fan and a HUGE Pumpkins fan, I LOVED this kind of theatric. Andy Kauffman used to do this stuff all the time and to see it now was priceless. It really felt that D'Angeli would read but obviously he knew the fans would cut him off.

After the show it was POURING rain and I saw Lou come out with a few people, believe it or not a few fans called to him and he went over and talked to everyone for about 30 minutes in the rain. The best part about it is he never broke character saying how sad he was he couldn't read his poem - that was classic.


10-25-2007, 05:38 PM
lol thanks RKO