View Full Version : Stings partner

10-30-2007, 11:00 PM
Who do u think stings partner is going to be? I think either Flair or Booker T

10-31-2007, 01:25 AM
I would assume it will be Booker T.

10-31-2007, 01:54 AM
Definitely Booker, the real question is will it be Booker T or King Booker? I'm not sure if WWE owns the King Booker name but I could care less about that. I would much rather see him compete as Booker T.

If he's gonna be Stings partner then that would mean that he's making his TNA debut as a face. King Booker has always been a heel in my mind so I'm pretty sure he's coming to TNA as Booker T.

Vick Diesel
10-31-2007, 03:39 AM
I believe that Sting's partner will be Booker T,..however there's some more rumors goin around that Sting's partner might be Scott Hall,...I guess we'll just have to be patient and wait for Sting's anouncement!:shift:


10-31-2007, 04:24 AM
I believe that Sting's partner will be Booker T,..however there's some more rumors goin around that Sting's partner might be Scott Hall,...I guess we'll just have to be patient and wait for Sting's anouncement!

True, I forgot all about Scott Hall. TNA's interested in him because they say he's back in shape and has been getting good reputation in the independent circuits.

Flair Country
10-31-2007, 02:20 PM
I'll stick with Booker T unless the world comes to a screaching hault...and Jericho shows up in TNA. ;)

Ill Will
11-02-2007, 08:39 AM
Well, now that we KNOW that it's Scott Hall, what does everyone think? It's obviously a step down from Jericho or Booker T, but should still be interesting considering Hall and Nash will be going against each other.

Flair Country
11-02-2007, 01:49 PM
Could be real, could be a diversion tactic to draw the attention away from Booker T. I guess the only way we'll know for sure is to find out at Genesis.

Ill Will
11-02-2007, 09:38 PM
Could be real, could be a diversion tactic to draw the attention away from Booker T. I guess the only way we'll know for sure is to find out at Genesis.What do mean "Could be real"? We already know it's real. It's been confirmed on iMPACT!

Flair Country
11-03-2007, 05:53 AM
What do mean "Could be real"? We already know it's real. It's been confirmed on iMPACT!

I think the only person that it has been "confirmed" by is Kevin Nash. No one else has said that Hall is Sting's mystery partner and if you look on TNA's website, it still has "???" next to Sting's partner. I wouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions.

Ill Will
11-03-2007, 06:58 AM
I think the only person that it has been "confirmed" by is Kevin Nash. No one else has said that Hall is Sting's mystery partner and if you look on TNA's website, it still has "???" next to Sting's partner. I wouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions.Kevin Nash flat out said Hall was Sting's partner. Whether that's the truth or not, it's not an example of me jumping to conclusions.

Flair Country
11-03-2007, 06:40 PM
Kevin Nash flat out said Hall was Sting's partner. Whether that's the truth or not, it's not an example of me jumping to conclusions.

Well not to be a jackass and argue with you, but here's another example of what you're saying. I say that 2 + 2 = 5, I have "confirmed" that. You go around and tell everyone that you know that you are 100% sure that 2 + 2 =5 just because some dude said so.

Now to relate that to the whole Scott Hall as Sting's partner story, until I see it in print or it's been confirmed by some of the higher-ups in TNA, then it doesn't mean anything. I'm not going to say that it's Hall just because I hear one guy saying it.

Vick Diesel
11-04-2007, 04:11 AM
spoiler warning*

Scott Hall revealed in the tna tapings he is not the partner

Lego posted this in the Kurt Angle hints the identy of Sting's partner thread,...just thought you'd guys might be interested!! :D


11-04-2007, 04:23 PM
I still say it's Booker to many rummer's around for it not to be.

Bad Boy
11-04-2007, 04:29 PM
Booker T it is... fo sure, who else cud it be... lol...

That Rob
11-04-2007, 09:58 PM
Well i knew before that it wasn't going to be Scott Hall because Sting last week said that his partner was a for World champ in both WCW and WWE. Scott hall never held either. Now I'm not sold on Booker either because last time i checked a wrestler had to wait 3 months before they could go to another promotion, so if that rule is stilll in effect it will not be Booker. My guess would be Big Show.

Flair Country
11-05-2007, 01:58 AM
This just in! Sting's mystery partner is....

"The Immortal" Hulk Hogan :)

Vick Diesel
11-05-2007, 04:11 AM
What??? F.C r u kiddin or r u bein serious,...where did you get your info from??


11-05-2007, 02:22 PM
Booker T it is... fo sure, who else cud it be... lol...

It could be Randy Savage. :klawz:

Ric Flair :popcorn:

Goldberg :dance:

maybe Jericho :pirate:

Ill Will
11-11-2007, 03:14 AM
Well not to be a jackass and argue with you, but here's another example of what you're saying. I say that 2 + 2 = 5, I have "confirmed" that. You go around and tell everyone that you know that you are 100% sure that 2 + 2 =5 just because some dude said so.Well, I'm sure this on topic post will be deleted too, but just to emphatically clarify, that's not at all like what I was saying.

Flair Country
11-11-2007, 03:21 AM
Well, I'm sure this on topic post will be deleted too,

I'm not sure what you're implying here man. I don't delete posts in my thread, on topic or not. Would you mind clarifying that?

Ill Will
11-16-2007, 08:22 PM
I'm not sure what you're implying here man. I don't delete posts in my thread, on topic or not. Would you mind clarifying that?Gladly.

I made a very logically thought out response to your previous post. I commented on how wrong the analogy you used was, and I also addressed and emphasized my previous points on the whole Sting's partner discussion (the topic of the thread), and somehow, that post disappeared. I of course assumed it was you who did so, and if it wasn't, sorry. But still, someone deleted my on-topic, non-flaming, no-reason-to-be-deleted post.

Flair Country
11-16-2007, 09:08 PM

I made a very logically thought out response to your previous post. I commented on how wrong the analogy you used was, and I also addressed and emphasized my previous points on the whole Sting's partner discussion (the topic of the thread), and somehow, that post disappeared. I of course assumed it was you who did so, and if it wasn't, sorry. But still, someone deleted my on-topic, non-flaming, no-reason-to-be-deleted post.

Well although I don't appreciate the blame, I accept your apology. I actually consider you to be one of the best posters on UOW and there is no way I would delete one of your posts, whether I agreed with you or not.