View Full Version : Chris Masters and DH Smith Suspended!!

11-02-2007, 11:51 PM
Chris Mordetzky has been suspended for 60 days, and DH Smith has been suspended for 30 days for violations of WWE’s Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy.

Source: wwe.com

BOOS For DH Smith and Chris Masters...OMG STOP IT...

PS: Sorry If Old...

11-02-2007, 11:58 PM
no i dont think this is old damn i expected masters but not DH on his second week no less

11-03-2007, 12:50 AM
I can't believe them...:hmm:

11-03-2007, 12:52 AM
Man Smith didn't take long

Big Evil
11-03-2007, 03:48 AM
Well I would guess that Mordetzky would get caught again, but keep it up and he'll wind up without a job. I hope that muscle freak has a brain and gets off the 'roids. Smith is a big disappointment in my book, as he is getting huge opportunity here, and winning his first match means that the WWE think he has potential. Get off them DH, you don't even look like a guy who uses, so they're not helping anyways.

Flair Country
11-03-2007, 05:59 AM
Poor Davey Jr. He just hit the big time and he's already screwing himself out of an awesome opportunity.

Ill Will
11-03-2007, 06:32 AM
On shock factor scale from one to ten of how shocked I am that Masters got suspended, I'm at about a two, and that's only because I knew he wouldn't stop, I just thought he'd be smart enough not to get caught again. What a dumbass. I'm also disappointed with Smith, and with the fact that his push will now be delayed.
Smith is a big disappointment in my book, as he is getting huge opportunity here, and winning his first match means that the WWE think he has potential. Get off them DH, you don't even look like a guy who uses, so they're not helping anyways.I think you should stop jumping to conclusions. Where in WWE's statement does it mention anything about steroids? It could be a multitude of things other than steroids. "Substance Abuse and Drug Testing Policy" is an umbrella term that comprises of a lot of different possibilities. Steroids aren't the only banned substance, and furthermore, there's no reason to speculate steroid abuse more than any of the other possibilities.

If it's alright with you, I won't be making any assumptions or jumping to any conclusions. I prefer to wait for the facts to come out.

Bad Boy
11-03-2007, 11:48 AM
been arnd a few weeks, and already suspended, tats just stupid... and Masters, well, i thought he went to rehab and got off the juice, but looks like he is on them again... 60 days, yeah, tats right for Chris...

11-04-2007, 04:07 PM
I'm kind of disappointed in Smith because he actually looks good in the ring and works well. So now he needs to quit the drugs that he has been taken. He should be all right. On the other hand that idiot Masters should have learned from the first time but I guess not. He will be fired soon if he don't shape up.

The Mac
11-05-2007, 12:00 PM
like father like son eh?