View Full Version : Aja Rock shocks party with skinny dip

11-04-2007, 02:54 PM
Celebrity babe Aja Rock shocked guests at a luxury resort by stripping naked and skinny dipping in the hotel pool, Sunday newspaper Sunday News has been told.

A stunned guest at the Hilton Fiji Beach Resort hotel photographed Rock's pool antics about 10.30pm on Saturday last week.

The guest, who asked not to be named, said the Kiwi model's behaviour was so outrageous hotel security ordered her to put her clothes back on or face being evicted from the $670-a-night hotel.

"She had been drinking and dancing with some of the other guests and then she just went wild, stripped all her clothes off and jumped into the pool. As soon as she was naked in the pool, about five or six blokes from the party stripped down to their boxer shorts and jumped in to join her," the guest told Sunday News.

They said Rock - last month named as a finalist in a competition for the New Zealand celebrity with the best breasts - then climbed out and pushed fully-clothed female guests into the water to join her impromptu pool party.

"We couldn't believe what we were seeing, a naked Aja Rock running around the pool trying to pull other women in," he said.

Concerned guests called hotel security at about 11pm and the reality TV star was ordered to put her clothes back on, the witness said.

"One of the guests called security after she got out of hand," the guest said.

"By the time the security guards came, there were about 10 people in the pool enjoying the impromptu pool party.

"Aja then put her dress back on and joined the dance floor."

A Hilton hotel spokesman declined to comment on the October 27 incident.

But the guest said: "It's not the sort of thing that you would expect to see at a place like the Hilton. It was certainly a shock. Most of the guests just thought it was a bit of a laugh until she ... started trying to pull women not associated with the wedding party into the pool."

Rock daughter of legendary record producer Bob Rock, who made records for Metallica, Bon Jovi, Motley Crue and The Cure was at the Hilton with her boyfriend to attend a friend's wedding, the guest said.

"Aja was staying at the Hilton with a bunch of friends from Auckland, who had come over to get married on the beach in front of the resort. After the wedding, Aja and the other guests came up to the pool to party by the pool," the guest said.

"It was a picture book tropical island wedding, everything was absolutely stunning but then Aja (came out) with her outrageous behaviour."

Rock was last night unavailable for comment, but a man who gave his name as David answered her cellphone.

Asked about the Fiji hotel incident, the man said: "To be honest, it's got nothing to do with you. She's absolutely fine and that's it."

Rock is reportedly dating Auckland property developer David Southcombe.

Sunday News