View Full Version : Judas Mesias Defending, Hemme, Teddy Hart, More Notes

Black Widow
11-04-2007, 03:19 PM
- It looks like Christy Hemme was busted up in her match with Amazing Kong on iMPACT this past week. Towards the end of the match, Christy started bleeding from her nose and after the loss, she held herself on the way to the back. Yesterday's TNA Today showed backstage footage of Christy after the match holding her nose, trying to stop the blood. Of course this could be another angle, like her injury at Bound For Glory was.

- Judas Mesias will be defending his AAA World Heavyweight Title on 11/30 at the AAA TV taping in Mexico. Judas will defend against Zorro and Cibernetico in 3-Way Dance. On the same show, recently released WWE developmental talent Teddy Hart is scheduled to team with Jack Evans to take on the teams of Extreme Tiger & Halloween, Crazy Boy & Joe Lider and Charly Manson & Chessman for the AAA Tag Titles in an Extreme 4-Way Dance.


11-04-2007, 04:16 PM
That is messed up Mesias's not able to wrestle in TNA but he's going to wrestle in AAA. I'm starting to think this guy may be a waste of time and money.