View Full Version : RAW - Survivor Series Tour - Brisbane, Australia - 8 Nov

Dangerous Incorporated
11-09-2007, 07:38 AM
http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/1093/wwessim6.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Santino got on the mic to start and talked about how he was going to with the cup, he was the first persone liminated after about 5 seconds.

Lillian did not do introductions.

1st match: 15 man over the top rope battle royal for a
shot at Randy Orton for the WWE title later in the
night and the 2nd annual "Brisbane Cup"

Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Mr Kennedy, Umaga, Shelton
Benjamin, Charlie Hass, Hardcore Holly were amongst
those in the match

Jeff Hardy won the battle royal

2nd match: Beth Phoneix d Jillian Hall - Jillian sung
well tried to at least. (unsure if the title was on
the line)

3rd match: Brian Kendrick d Shelton Benjamin - Short
match under 10 mins but was decent given the lack of
time allocated to it.

4th match: Mr Kennedy d Cody Rhodes - Kennedy over
pretty big and worked a decent match

5th Match: Cade & Murdoch d The Highlanders - Tag Team
Title match

6th Match: Randy Orton d Jeff Hardy - WWE title match,
ending saw a triple reversal (Randy went for the RKO,
Jeff reversed it into the twist of fate but then Randy
reversed it again into the RKO for the win) - The
Match of the night with some very good work by both
men leading into the great finish for the match, Hardy
as expected got one of the biggest pops of the night

Main Event: Triple H d Umaga - No DQ Match, pretty
stock standard match for these two the expected spots
to the expected pops.

Sydney, Australia


Just wanted to email in to you the results of the WWE Raw Branch House Show from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

WWE Raw Show Results from Brisbane, Queensland Australia November 8th, 2007.

Held at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre, stated at 7:30pm.

Ring Announcer: Tony Chimmel

Show started with William Regal coming to the ring announcing that the first match of the night would be a 15 man battle royal with the winner going on to win the Silver Cup and have a WWE Title Match against Randy Orton later in the night. William Regal was heckled by the crowd.

Participants were as follows:

· Robbie from “The Highlanders”

· Rory from “The Highlanders”


· Shelton Benjamin

· Charlie Haas

· Hardcore Holly

· Cody Rhodes

· Santino Marella

· Umaga

· Jeff Hardy

· “Hacksaw Jim Duggan”

· Gene Snitsky

· Lance Cade

· Trevor Murdoch

· Mr Kennedy

Santino came to the ring insulting “Stone Cold” Steve Austin for what he did to himself and Maria and insulted Brisbane and our Rugby League Team “The Brisbane Broncos”. He was the first eliminated by a large number of the other wrestlers.

Several wrestlers were eliminated and as “Hardcore” Holly was walking away from the ring he got into an argument with several fans at ringside before shaking hands with others.

The final four left in the Battle Royal were HHH, Umaga, Jeff Hardy and Mr Kennedy. HHH and Umaga eliminated each other then Jeff Hardy won by eliminating Mr Kennedy.

Crowd was very happy with Jeff winning as he posed for the fans, etc.

Next match was a triple threat match for the WWE Women’s Championship with Jillian Hall vs Mickie James vs “The Glamazon” Beth Phoenix. Jillian came out first and started to sing before Mickie made her ring entrance then Beth. Pretty much back and forth match with both Mickie and Jillian knocking Beth out of the ring several times to concentrate on attacking each other. These girls don’t get enough credit for their hard work. Beth won the match by pinning Mickie with her finishing move. Didn’t realise how tiny and pretty Mickie was in person. Jillian was pretty too, but the new hair extension she had looked terrible (why does she have them when her hair is long enough already) and I think Beth managed to yank a few of them out. Beth Phoenix is one strong looking woman. Good to see some decent women’s wrestling instead of bikini contests. I wish the match had of gone longer.

Third match was Shelton Benjamin vs Brian Kendrick – this was a terrific match very fast paced and a lot of high flying moves from Brian Kendrick. Shelton was also pretty awesome – I wish that he was given a decent push along with Charlie Haas. Brian Kendrick pinned Shelton to win the match. Shelton looked dazed after the match and had to leave the ring assisted by the referee, it looked like he had taken a bad head knock or something. Both Shelton Benjamin and Brian Kendrick worked well together in this match and pulled off some awesome moves.

Fourth match was Mr Kennedy vs Cody Rhodes. Mr Kennedy came out first to the ring and teased the crowd with his “Mr Kennedy” chants. Cody then came out. Must say he has some of the same mannerisms as his father Dusty Rhodes. Both wrestlers were popular with the crowd. Mr Kennedy started off with teasing Cody first, by patting him on the head a few times and then had a little game of cat and chase around the ring before they finally locked up. Mr Kennedy seemed to enjoy mocking Cody. A lot of the match was technical mat wrestling which was good to see. What was not good to see is that Cody’s privates nearly spilt out of his trunks, lol. A lot of the young women at the show didn’t mind this though. There were a couple of times when the crowd reaction was dead for this match. I think they both put on a good match. Mr Kennedy pinned Cody Rhodes to win the match. During the match you could also hear Kennedy and Rhodes communicating with each other about the match.

Next was intermission where Tony Chimmel was encouraging people to go and buy WWE Merchandise from the WWE Merchandise Stands in the arena.

After intermission Mickie James came out to present the winner of a competition held who won a new X Box System and a copy of the new WWE Raw vs Smackdown game. Mickie definitely looks better in person than she does on TV.

Next match was for the Tag Team Championship with Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch vs “The Highlanders”. It was a pretty good match with Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch riling the crowd and Lance Cade having to “hold’ Trevor back when someone in the crowed was giving him a hard time and egging him on. “The Highlanders” worked hard in this match to get the crowd support and were very impressive with a lot of moves such as double bodyslams, double back suplexes and knocking both Cade and Murdoch out of the ring at the same time. The Bald Headed Highlander even started the crowd up with chants of “Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie Oy Oy Oy”. Best line of the night went to Murdoch who blatantly said to the Referee that he was “playing by the rules”, it was a classic. Both of these teams worked well together. “The Highlanders” worked better seeing them in person than they do when there are in televised matches on TV. Maybe these two guys need to be given a decent push.

The second last match of the night was Jeff Hardy vs Randy Orton for the WWE Title. Jeff Hardy got the best reaction so far of the night and was slapping hands with fans on the way to the ring. This was in contrast to Orton who got the crap booed out of him by most of the crowd. Must admit that I was sitting close enough for him to notice me giving him hand signals and some nicely worded insults (obviously I am not an Orton fan). The match was fast paced with plenty of action with Hardy using some good moves including “The Whisper in the Wind”. I don’t think he did the Swanton Bomb that I can remember. Orton eventually pinned Jeff Hardy with the RKO. In the last few minutes of the match you could clearly hear the Referee yelling at them to finish up the match. By the way for other female Jeff Hardy fans, I can tell you that he does look absolutely gorgeous in person. J

Regal came out to announce that the final match would be a No DQ match between Triple H and Umaga. Triple H got the biggest pop of the night and after using the sledgehammer and the wrestlers using other weapons Triple H pinned Umaga with The Pedigree.

After the match Triple H hung around for awhile shaking fans with fans etc.

Biggest Pops of the Night:

Triple H

Jeff Hardy

Mickie James

Brian Kendrick

Mr Kennedy

Biggest Heal Heat of the Night:

Randy Orton

Santino Marella


Gene Snitsky

Jillian Hall for singing.


from Mike:

RAW House Show, Brisbane Australia November 8th 2007

A few hours before the show, there was an autograph session which Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch appeared. Unfortunately, they got abouslutly no reaction when they were introduced as fans were expecting something more popular because to get items signed fans had to purchase a WWE dvd which cost $30. There were quite a few disappointments to say the least. However both Cade and Murdoch were very nice, they talked to the fans and posed for pictures as much as they could. A real WWE championship belt looked awesome close up as well!

15 man battle royal
Triple H, Jeff Hardy, Snitsky, Shelton Benjamin, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, Umaga, Ken Kennedy, Rory, Robbie, Cody Rhodes, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Santino, Hardcore Holly, Brian Kendrick

Santino cuts a promo making fun of the city of Brisbane and its Rugby League team the Brisbane Broncos and also mentions how Stone Cold embarrassed him with the beer truck on Raw. Final 4 was Kennedy, Triple H, Umaga and Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy wins the 2nd annual Brisbane cup and the right to face Randy Orton for the WWE title.

Winner: Jeff Hardy

Women’s title match
Beth Phoenix Vs Mickie James Vs Jillian Hall

Pretty good match, Jillian sings before being interrupted by Mickie’s entrance, lots of power moves from Phoenix. Nice back and forth action. Beth defends the title by hitting the Glamzon-plex on Mickie.

Winner: Beth Phoenix

Shelton Benjamin Vs Brian Kendrick

Lots of heat on Shelton for this match. Kendrick wins via Slice Bread #2.

Winner: Brian Kendrick

Ken Kennedy Vs Cody Rhodes

Kennedy’s entrance was amazing, he teased the crowd a few times during his self introduction. Not much care for Rhodes despite being solid in the ring. Good reaction for Kennedy, despite playing the heel, he got a better reaction than Rhodes. Kennedy wins via Greenbay Plunge.

Winner: Kennedy

Tag Team title match
Cade & Murdoch Vs Highlanders

Big heat on Cade & Murdoch, people were into the Highlanders surprinsingly. Possibly due to good heel interaction with the crowd by the tag champs. Cade & Murdoch defend via their sweet and sour finisher.

Winner: Cade & Murdoch

WWE Title match
Randy Orton Vs Jeff Hardy
Very good match, great atmosphere and the crowd was hot. Hardy was by far the most over wrestler of the night even more than Triple H. Possibly due to the large young children and females in the crowd. Orton got a mixed reaction as there were quite a few of his fans around. All the trademark moves were seen, Hardy’s moves is really something else live. Orton defends with his second attempt at an RKO after having the previous attempt blocked.

Winner: Randy Orton

Triple H Vs Umaga
This was by far the best match of the night, people really love Triple H and he interacted with the crowd just like any wrestler of his caliber should. Chairs, trashcans, mics and the sledgehammer were all used in the match. Triple H wins with the pedigree. Afterwards he stayed behind for about 10 minutes posing for the fans and walking through the crowd and thanking all the fans.

Winner: Triple H

Biggest pop:
1. Jeff Hardy
2. Triple H
3. Ken Kennedy
4. Mickie James
5. Brian Kendrick

Most Heat:
1. Umaga
2. Santino
3. Cade & Murdoch
4. Shelton Benjamin
5. Jillian Hall’s singing.

Source: Gerweck

http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/2951/wwe07ow1.jpg (http://imageshack.us)