View Full Version : Lennon's glasses stolen

11-13-2007, 09:44 AM
Late BEATLE JOHN LENNON has been the victim of theft - after a vandal snatched his iconic round spectacles from a memorial statue of the star.

The musician, who was shot dead in 1980, was posthumously honoured in his native Liverpool, England, with a statue of his likeness placed at the city's John Lennon Airport.

Sculptor Tom Murphy has criticised the theft, as the statue was damaged when the thief made off with the glasses.

He says, "It's a real shame. They were attached to the statue which was been damaged when they were taken off. We've put on a temporary pair and are getting a new pair recast soon."

The statue was unveiled at the airport by Lennon's widow Yoko Ono in 2002.
