View Full Version : Federline calls another emergency meeting over spears' latest traffic offence

11-15-2007, 09:22 AM
KEVIN FEDERLINE has requested an emergency meeting with BRITNEY SPEARS' lawyers after a videotape emerged of her driving through a red light with her two sons in the car.

Federline's lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan says his client is concerned over the safety of the couple's sons Sean Preston and Jayden James after previously insisting the singer not be allowed to drive when with the children.

Kaplan is also expected to discuss media reports the Toxic hitmaker tested positive for amphetamines during the meeting with Spears' lawyer on Friday (16Nov07).

According to website TMZ.com, asthma sufferer Spears will claim the positive drug test was caused by her inhaler.

Spears' attorney Sorrell Trope refused to comment on the alleged failed drugs test, but maintains the latest traffic offence will not jeopardise her custody battle.

Trope tells People.com, "Ms. Spears was being mobbed by paparazzi at the time. She was distracted. This was not blatant irresponsible driving on her part."


11-16-2007, 02:42 AM
I don't even know why Federline wastes his time anymore. He has proved time after time after time that Britney shouldn't even be allowed around the children and the judge still keeps giving her more chances to kill the kids.