View Full Version : School bans Christmas cards

11-15-2007, 10:01 AM
A Welsh primary school has banned pupils from swapping Christmas cards because they are bad for the environment.

Pupils at Evan James primary school in Pontypridd will only be allowed to swap cards outside the school gates.

The school is instead asking parents to make a donation to charity, reports the Daily Mail.

Angry parents and schools campaigners have accused the schools of acting against the spirit of Christmas.

Nicholas Daniels, deputy head of at Evan James primary school, said they were acting on "environmental and moral" grounds.

Teachers will instead allow the 420 pupils to make one card each for someone in their class so that everyone receives a handmade card.

Mr Daniels said: "The reasons for not having cards are endless and we are sticking to our guns. We are asking parents to contribute the money they would have spent on cards to the school's charity.

"Cards in school cause litter problems and can become a popularity contest about who gets the most, with the risk some children could be left out."

But one parent said: "A lot of us feel the school is taking a politically correct decision but it is just a once-a-year occasion and the kids love taking cards for their friends.

"The school is acting like Scrooge and going completely against the spirit of Christmas."


11-15-2007, 11:51 AM
awww come on now that is just silly :rolleyes:

11-15-2007, 10:34 PM
That's stupid, though the thing about a kid possibly not getting one makes sense.