View Full Version : Undertaker

11-15-2007, 11:29 PM
ok, where can i start. The Undertaker is an overrated wrestler who's only legacy is his 15-0 mania streak. Thats how he is known. All he can do is his old school ground moves. He is old, and is past his career. Retire now before you weaken your "legacy". Im sick of his deadman gimmick and his 5 minute entrance. :no: He should quit while he is ahead because he is going nowhere

Big Evil
11-16-2007, 12:04 AM
Buddy your picking a bone with a guy who has too many fans to count, me included. The Undertaker is a legendary performer, not because of his 15 and 0 streak at Wrestlemania, but because he has been a force in this industry for over a decade and a half. The Undertaker has been behind some of the biggest and most popular stories of the WWE. From the Ministry to the Corporate Ministry to the American Badass, he is known as a man that adapts himself to his environment over the years. The 'hybrid' style that he has developed as a result is unmatched in sports-entertainment. He has a presence wherever he goes, in the WWE or outside of it.

There is a reason he is called the Phenom, and the winning streak at 'Mania is only one achievement he has piled up on his resume. Yes, he is in his mid-forties now, but the man has stayed in great physical shape. He suffered an injury recently, but has returned, and hasn't missed a step. The Deadman is challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship now, which only shows me that he is on top of his game. His matches are as good as ever, even though the men he faces differentiate vastly.

The effect he has on the audience and his opponents speak for itself. He is a man that can intimidate someone by simply making an entrance. By just staring into the eyes of a man, he can send chills down his spine. The Undertaker is a huge part of the sports-entertainment empire that is the WWE, and that will never change. His character stands out from the rest, and love him or hate him, you will respect him. You have to respect him. If you are a fan of wrestling, you will know what I mean, and you will give credit where it is due. Otherwise, your just another ignorant complainer who wishes to do nothing but downplay the success and impact this Phenom has had on this industry.

Bad Boy
11-16-2007, 06:53 AM
Taker is a legend... and about the thing that he is past his prime, not true... he still can wrestle now, but not the same energetic Taker he was before... Right now, WWE isnt using Taker in the right way, all we see him do is feud with Batista which is much stupid... tats why some people might get tired of Taker right now, but if WWE use him seriously, maybe have him feud with some1 good, then it would be good...

11-16-2007, 03:07 PM
wow, thats all this rant is, just Wow, I cant say something that hasnt already been said except

dude, watch WWE more, pay attention to history and maybe, just maybe, you wont be such a douchebag

11-16-2007, 03:21 PM
i have watched wwe and i know real wrestling. Undertaker is past his prime and he should be jobbing right now to young guys like MVP or Matt Hardy. His feud with Batista is overrated because all its doing is makin batista look and undertaker look bad. i would rather see taker vs edge because that would be a real match

11-16-2007, 03:34 PM
i have watched wwe and i know real wrestling. Undertaker is past his prime and he should be jobbing right now to young guys like MVP or Matt Hardy. His feud with Batista is overrated because all its doing is makin batista look and undertaker look bad. i would rather see taker vs edge because that would be a real match

if you think he shoudl retire why do you want to see him face Edge, because they could work well together, better than Taker and Batista? Get your head on straight and then come back

Darth Fozzy
11-17-2007, 06:09 AM
All I have to say is watch No Way Out 2006, Undertaker's match with Kurt Angle is amazing, once you watch that, then come back and try to back up anything that you have said against Taker.

Big Evil
11-17-2007, 11:46 AM
The Undertaker is one of the most decorated and respected wrestlers ever to step foot in the business. He is extremely talented and well-versed in the different styles of wrestling. He has an uncanny ability to put on good matches with anybody he faces. If I had to take a guess, I would say you don't like him, plain and simple. That, or you want some undeserving jobber to be in his spot.

11-17-2007, 07:17 PM
why are you guys attacking this guy because of an opinion

11-17-2007, 07:24 PM
the undertaker still rules

Big Evil
11-17-2007, 07:34 PM
why are you guys attacking this guy because of an opinion

Simple, really. This is a rant thread, where he is attacking the Undertaker. Being fans of the Undertaker, we are going to defend him. Whether that's his opinion or not doesn't matter, because it is a rant thread and we have the right to agree or disagree with his ranting.

11-17-2007, 09:36 PM
The Undertaker may not be as good as he used to be, but he's still good. Most matches that the Undertaker is in are usually good. You cannot honestly say that the Undertaker is like Ric Flair who should have retired a decade or so ago. The Undertaker will retire when he's ready to and I'm not looking forward to that because once he's gone, a huge part of WWE will be missing...

11-17-2007, 10:03 PM
look at any of his matches from any PPV and then say something bad about Taker

11-17-2007, 11:37 PM
watch his hell in the cell matches and you can see why people like the undertaker

11-18-2007, 02:26 AM
People are attacking him because there are no strong grounds of info behind his "reasons" for hating the Undertaker.

Long live The Undertaker and his Legacy!

11-18-2007, 05:23 AM
You go, Static-Freak!

Big Evil
11-18-2007, 11:53 AM
Man I'm starting to like this Static Freak more and more! Well said Static

11-18-2007, 05:43 PM
lol BE me too,

he justs keeps getting cooler and cooler


11-19-2007, 11:22 AM

Lady DeathStrike
11-19-2007, 04:19 PM
this is rediculous... how can you not respect and admire a man that has taken wrestling to new levels.
He is a consistantly good performer and and NEVER DISAPPOINTS his vast army of fans.

and above all..

how can you hate the deadman....when there are wrestlers like john cena about????


11-20-2007, 12:18 AM
^ agreed. Undertaker is without a doubt in the current top 5 best wrestlers, performers, superstars, whatever you wanna call them. He's over 40 and better then 90% of the roster. That tells you something about him.

spam!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

Lady DeathStrike
12-08-2007, 12:26 PM
AND he is hot..

irrelevant perhaps..

but a point none the less that MUST be raised hehe

12-14-2007, 08:12 AM
im gonna call The Undertaker and tell him to go to your house and you can rest in peace then lol jk

Lady DeathStrike
12-17-2007, 04:41 PM
It will be a VERY merry christmas for me then!!!