View Full Version : Stars come out for spice girls debut

11-16-2007, 10:47 PM
TV actresses EVA LONGORIA and HAYDEN PANETTIERE joined hundreds of SPICE GIRLS fans for the band's first live comeback on Thursday (15Nov07) night.

The Desperate Housewives star - who has become close friends with Spice Girl Victoria Beckham since her summer (07) move to Los Angeles - was one of several celebrity supporters in the audience at L.A's Hollywood's Kodak Theater for the five-piece's performance at the annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

Longoria tells People.com, "I'm here to support Victoria. Go Spice Girls!"

And 18-year-old Panettiere adds, "I was dancing and singing along. I loved it. The Spice Girls were great. I knew every word to the first song. Enough said."


11-17-2007, 01:32 AM
hundreds of fans? This tour is going to be huge.

11-17-2007, 04:31 AM
:kellie: Spice Girls!