View Full Version : News On The New WWE Diva, Carlito, Shelton, & More News

Black Widow
11-23-2007, 07:50 PM
WWE's official website has a kayfabe article on Carlito speaking out on his loss to Hornswoggle on Raw.

ECW.com has an article on Shelton Benjamin's move to ECW.

For this month's "Pick Your Big One" on WWE 24/7, the winning pay-per-view was originally announced as Survivor Series 1987. Instead, they are airing Survivor Series 1994. The "Pick Your Big One" webpage has since been changed to say that the winner was Survivor Series 1994. The page also features a small image of Ricky Steamboat next to the announcement, although he wasn't in WWE at the time because he was in WCW. He was in WWE in 1987 though, so it seems like WWE forgot to change the image. Also, WWE 24/7 aired Survivor Series 1987 last year at around this time.

Eve Torres has deleted her MySpace page. She originally opened it to garner support from fans for the Diva Search contest. Seeing how the contest is done, she doesn't really need it anymore.


11-24-2007, 12:34 AM
Hmph. The girl just used MySpace to win...:no:

11-25-2007, 08:32 AM
What a b*tch.... The fans are the reason she won the stupid contest so she really should be grateful to them and continue to interract with them