View Full Version : Full Smackdown Spoilers (Air Date Nov 30)

11-28-2007, 04:06 AM
- Connor Porterfield is at the WWE SD! tapings in Roanoke, Virginia and will be calling in live results all night. Refresh the page throughout the night for the updated results.

Doors have just opened and there is a huge line.

The first dark match goes off at 7:30EST so it'll be a minute here.

Not much of the arena is tarped off. Very close to a sellout but it's not a huge arena.

They are airing some history videos in the arena as the crowd files in. Lots of WHOOOing in the arena.

Dark Match:

Victoria defeated a local Diva jobber. Not sure of the name.

They just announced Rey Mysterio & Kane vs. Viscera & MVP for later tonight.

WWE SmackDown:

Edge comes to the ring to open SmackDown! to a huge 'You Suck' chant. Edge talks about is new relationship with Vickie Guerrero and how he wanted to make a statement on The Undertaker for Vickie. He talks about how much he's in love with her. He says she is at home sick and dedicates the match tonight to her. It was basically just a long promo hyping the main event. Huge heel heat for Edge.

Finlay & Hornswoggle vs. Deuce & Domino. Finlay & Hornswoggle win after Finlay hits Domino with the Shillelagh and Hornswoggle does the Tadpole Splash for the three count.

Michelle McCool & Jamie Noble are backstage talking about Chuck Palumbo. It's Chuck vs. Noble later on tonight.

CM Punk vs. Kenny Dykstra is up next. Very even back and forth action to begin. Punk used lots of footwork but Kenny was able to keep him grounded. Good match so far. CM Punk gains control though and is able to hit his kick knee to the face finisher.

Rey Mysterio & Kane vs. Viscera & MVP is up next. They did all four entrances with lots of stalling. Big Daddy V was in for a second and then MVP took over. Rey got the hot tag and the match went back and forth between Rey and MVP. Rey went for a 619 but was tripped up.

Big Daddy V came back in for another short period. Kane and Rey team together for some double team moves. Kane hits a clothesline and Rey hits a splash followed by a 619 on MVP for the win. Good ending and the crowed is super hot live.

We get another Edge video hyping how great he is and tonight's main event.

Batista is interviewed in the back about his match tonight with Edge.

Jamie Noble vs. Chuck Palumbo is up next.

Chuck hits his head on the turnbuckle and Noble rolls him up for the win.

Backstage we see a comedy segment with Vince McMahon and Khali's translator. It's announced that Finlay vs. Khali is on for the Armageddon PPV.

Edge vs. Batista for the World title in what looks to be a very long match is up next. This will be interesting.

The T-Shirt guy is out shooting stuff into the crowd and JBL is getting himself some heel heat by calling the Roanoke fans 'Monkeys' for jumping around like idiots for a shirt. Stalling.

Edge is out to big heel heat and Batista is out to a massive pop. Match starts with Batista on top. Batista uses lots of power moves to begin. Edge ducks out of the ring and gets major heel heat. Crowd is loud and into this one.

Edge vs. Batista for the World title. This match went around 30 minutes and was said to be good. Edge is out to big heel heat and Batista is out to a massive pop. Match starts with Batista on top. Batista uses lots of power moves to begin. Edge ducks out of the ring and gets major heel heat. Crowd is loud and into this one. The two fight outside the ring. Batista throws Edge back in and charges at him only to have Edge pull the ropes down sending in flying back to the outside. Edge is about to go for a spear and the lights go out and the gong hits. After about 10 seconds, 'Taker appears in the middle of the ring and chokeslams Batista as Edge escaped. The match ends on a DQ. Teddy Long then returns and says since Vickie isn't there tonight he can still make matches so it'll be The Undertaker vs. Batista vs. Edge for the World title at Armageddon. The show will end there.


11-28-2007, 05:15 AM
Thanks for the info.

Bad Boy
11-28-2007, 06:57 AM
OMG!! I told you soo... exactly how i predicted the finish... and good to have Long back... and sux that we will have to wait a few more weeks to see the title back on Edge... btw, sounds like a good show, after a long long time...

Lady DeathStrike
11-28-2007, 03:21 PM
Roll On Armageddon

11-28-2007, 04:59 PM
thanks for the info