View Full Version : iMPACT! vs. ECW

Ill Will
12-05-2007, 04:50 AM
The second hour of iMPACT! this week will be directly competing with ECW, which is airing on a "special night" Thursday. Any predictions of who will win the ratings battle?

12-05-2007, 03:53 PM
Im thinkin TNA will win the ratings, just because Ecw doesnt get good ratings unless they hype up the show a week in advance. By the way, does anyone know WHY Ecw is on Thursday this week?

12-05-2007, 04:24 PM
^ I heard it's because of a scheduling error or something.

Anyway, I guess this is the moment of truth for both companies as this could show who would win the ratings war. Though I think that TNA will win it because of a few things:
1) Thursday night is the night fans(even some WWE) know to watch Spike.
2) Some people may not have heard the news about ECW being on Thursday instead of Tuesday night.
3) The ECW watchers may not have time in their schedule to tune in on Thursday night and make plans around it being on Tuesday night.

12-05-2007, 06:58 PM
Im thinkin TNA will win the ratings, just because Ecw doesnt get good ratings unless they hype up the show a week in advance. By the way, does anyone know WHY Ecw is on Thursday this week?

Because last night they had a show called Tin Man that it was Part three and took it's spot, but I say TNA because they have a lot of ppl who liek them and ECW is on Sci Fi so a lot of ppl don't have it and won't watch ECW, so TNA will win the Ratings, and EeL I think you're right

12-05-2007, 08:45 PM
TNA will win because of the paperview they came off of and you really can't say its TNA vers WWE because ECW is the worse rated show of the three.
I personally will be watching ECW because I only care for a couple of wrestlers and according to the spoiler none will be there.

Flair Country
12-05-2007, 08:53 PM
I think TNA SHOULD win this battle because they are on at their normal date and time, even though ECW currently gets slightly higher ratings. Anytime that you change up the normal scheduled programming you tend to lose some of your usual viewers. That being said, ECW might actually pick up a few new viewers who usually watch Sci-Fi on Thursdays (although I have no clue what is usually on at that time), but not a major chunk of people.

12-05-2007, 09:23 PM
^ Yeah Dave, that makes sense.

Ill Will
12-06-2007, 06:25 AM
you really can't say its TNA vers WWE because ECW is the worse rated show of the three.You did see the title of the thread, right? It seems to me that every response in this thread has made the distinction between the two companies and the two shows. I'm not really sure why you felt the need to say what you said. No one has said "TNA vers WWE". It has clearly been a show vs. show discussion.