View Full Version : Preview for This Thursday's iMPACT!

Flair Country
12-06-2007, 12:54 AM
This Thursday night on "iMPACT!" at 9pm, TNA Wrestling returns to SpikeTV with two hours of Total Nonstop Action as the world will witness the aftermath of the "Turning Point" Pay-Per-View event.

It will be a feast for three TNA superstars - and one will get FIRED! At Turning Point, it was "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner, Senshi, Petey Williams and BG James walking away with the briefcases in the Feast Or Fired match. This Thursday night, the cases will be opened to reveal which three superstars earn opportunities at the TNA World Heavyweight, Tag Team and X Division Championships. However, one unlucky superstar will unlock their case to find they have been fired from the TNA roster!

Also on the broadcast, it will be tag team action as The Latin American Xchange will face Black Reign and Rellik!

In addition, TNA Women's Champion Gail Kim will be in action in a non-title match against ODB! The question is, what condition is Gail in after the beating Awesome Kong handed her at Turning Point?

Plus, TNAwrestling.com has learned that manager James Mitchell is scheduled to take part in a sitdown interview with Mike Tenay regarding his ongoing war with Abyss.

Also scheduled to appear on the broadcast are TNA World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle, TNA World Tag Team Champions AJ Styles and Tomko, "The Instant Classic" Christian Cage, Samoa Joe, Booker T and Kevin Nash!

Plus, tune into "iMPACT!" for news and updates on TNA's "Final Resolution" Pay-Per-View on Sunday, January 6!


12-06-2007, 04:08 PM
thanks for the info dave