View Full Version : RVD's WWE Status, Booker T upset at WWE,more

12-12-2007, 02:42 AM
partial source: PWInsider.com

-- Rob Van Dam's surprise appearance on Raw last night was simply a one-time deal. He has not signed a new contract with WWE. Also, WWE's official website added a profile on him in the Alumni section earlier today.

-- SLAM! Wrestling has an article with TNA wrestler Booker T regarding his departure from WWE. Booker believes that he was used as a scapegoat when the suspensions relating to Signature Pharmacy went down because they needed to suspend someone at "the top." "You can't just pick out a bunch of guys who have no name and punish them," Booker said. "You've got to have somebody in there with some credibility to give yourself some credibility." Booker vehemently denys having any role in the drug scandal. "I had nothing to do with Signature Pharmacy, and I knew I hadn't ordered anything online," Booker said, referring to Signature's use of various physicians and clinics to distribute orders placed through the internet. "I knew I wasn't a part of that, and I relayed that to the company, and I wasn't protected -- they didn't step up for me." You can read the article in its entirety at this link.

-- Marty Jannetty's appearance on Raw last night tallies up to be his ninth shot/stint with World Wrestling Entertainment -- which is by far a record. In a bit of trivia, the rainbow tights he wore in his match with Mr. Kennedy last night are the same ones he wore at SummerSlam 1990 in a Rockers tag match with Hercules and Paul Roma.

12-12-2007, 05:23 AM
Thanks for the info, I hoped RVD was going to stay:(