View Full Version : Stuck in the lavatory - for four days

12-12-2007, 09:44 AM
An Aberdeen man got stuck in the freezing cold toilet of his local bowling club - for four days.

David Leggat, 55, had nothing but tap water to survive on after a door jammed behind him, reports the Daily Telegraph.

The retired teacher shouted for help - but nobody heard his cries as the outdoor bowling club is rarely visited in winter.

He managed no more than three hours' sleep a night, and was so cold that he had to put his feet in a hand basin of hot water.

Unmarried Mr Leggat had no food, no mobile telephone and there were no windows that would allow him to break out.

Mr Leggat, the club's wine convenor, was finally rescued when a cleaner arrived and heard his cries for help.

The drama began when he went to the lavatory at the Kittybrewster and Woodside Bowling Club in Aberdeen.

He became trapped when the outside handle of the door fell off, and the inside handle jammed. The bowler said he quickly realised that he was in for a long wait.

He said: "I had nothing with me to eat so I sipped cold tap water to keep me going. I did a survival course once and knew I had to keep my feet warm, so I kept running a basin of hot water and putting my feet in to send the heat through my body.

"I was absolutely frozen. All I had on was my jacket and my trousers."


12-12-2007, 05:16 PM
He's lucky to be alive!:shock:

12-12-2007, 09:00 PM
wow thats a story for the grandkids :shock: