View Full Version : Roddy Piper Quotes

Black Widow
01-09-2008, 07:31 PM
Piper's Pit

"Just when they think they got the answers, I change the questions."

"You don't throw rocks at a man with a machine gun!"

"Do you know you couldn't get a date with a $20 bill taped to your forehead?"

"I'm so quick, I could spit in the wind, duck, and let it hit the old lady behind me."

"I don't need to know how tough I am to know how tough I am."


"The boss is back."

Showing Jimmy Snuka a pineapple "This reminds me of my ex-girlfriend! She's all (rubs fronds) bushy up top, and all (slaps the bottom of the pineapple) mushy on the bottom!"

(Talking about Mr. T) "He is the only person to wear more chains then their ancestors"


"Real men wear kilts."

"I am your reality check!"

"When I'm good, I'm good! When I'm bad, I'm BETTER!"

"Ric Flair, the Slim Whitman of Pro-Wrestling."

"I'm the reason Hulk Hogan lost his hair!"

"Russia gives us Nikolai Volkoff, and we give them MTV and 2 Live Crew. Fair trade, huh?"

"Nature Boy, what's that? Do you run around the forest like Euell Gibbons, eating bark or something?"

"Do you think they would have loved you, if they hadn't hated me?"

"Jerry Lawler walks in here with his crown - DA DA DUM - Imperial Margarine - and talks about what he's going to do to me. Lawler, if you think you're going to beat me, if you think you can do ANYTHING to me, than you really are the king. King of FOOLS, jack!!"

"Rowdy Roddy cut his locks; but don't worry women, he's still a fox."

"Ric Flair, you once called me a woman. Well how does it feel to get beat by a woman?"

"I walk so fast, I talk so fast, I could turn the light off and be in bed before the room's dark!"

Throwing around a bunch of letters "I got some hate mail! HA! They didn't put their NAMES on it, of course. You ever go to the men's room in the subway and see all that clever writing on the walls? (indicates letter in his hand) that's these guys!!"

"I don't wear a skirt. I wear a kilt. A kilt is what a Scotsman wears. A skirt is what your daddy wears to the cocktail lounge."

"When you were young did your mommy and daddy place the swing too close to the wall?"

"I was pissin', Vince McMahon off when the red on the back of your neck was diaper rash!"

"I'm Roddy!" (Reference to the McAllister's)

"Sooner or later everybody pays the Piper!"

"It seems like I have been fighting someone, something, someplace, in some manner, my whole life. But this fight, is one I am gonna win!" (Statement upon being diagnosed with Lymphoma.)

When I was well....I was hell!!

(To Jillian Hall on a segment of Piper's Pit)"What is that dying on the side of your face?? Its got lungs, and eyes!

"Don't be blowin' no more smoke in my face Mr.Downey."

"my name is rowdy roddy piper a.k.a. rubik's cube"

"when i'm good i'm good, when i'm bad i'm better, when i'm better i'm the best "

points to i.c.o.n. t-shirt and says "I COWER OVER NOTHIN"

Bad Boy
01-09-2008, 08:15 PM
haha... good ol Roddy Piper...

01-09-2008, 10:53 PM
LOL, funny. Great stuff from Piper:)

01-10-2008, 03:23 AM
how about from they live "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass...and I'm all out of bubblegum."
or saying to jericho after chris said he'll fight him when he loses weight : "I have seen Chris Jericho wrestle. I have heard Chris Jericho talk. I have even heard Chris Jericho sing. So I'll make you a deal: I promise you that when I lose some weight, I'll call you. And when you get some talent, you call me."

01-10-2008, 04:08 PM
You know I love it, ROJ.
