View Full Version : Howto Install KDE 4.0 (Stable) in Ubuntu Gutsy

01-14-2008, 04:01 PM
KDE 4.0 is the innovative Free Software desktop containing lots of applications for every day use as well as for specific purposes. Plasma is a new desktop shell developed for KDE 4, providing an intuitive interface to interact with the desktop and applications. The Konqueror web browser integrates the web with the desktop. The Dolphin file manager, the Okular document reader and the System Settings control center complete the basic desktop set.

KDE is built on the KDE Libraries which provide easy access to resources on the network by means of KIO and advanced visual capabilities through Qt4. Phonon and Solid, which are also part of the KDE Libraries add a multimedia framework and better hardware integration to all KDE applications.

First you need to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file

sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

add the following line

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu gutsy main

Save and exit the file

Update the source list using the following command

sudo aptitude update

Install KDE 4.0 in Ubuntu

First you need to remove any exiting kde4 using the following command

Sudo aptitude remove kdelibs5 kde4base-data kde4libs-data

Now install kde4.0

sudo aptitude install kde4-core

This will complete the kde4.0 installation

you can run a full session by selecting “KDE 4″ from your login manager.
To avoid having to start a second X server for a full session install xserver-xephyr and run Xephyr :1 & export DISPLAY=:1; xterm and run startkde in the Xerphyr xterm.

Once you logged in you should be able to see similar to the following screen


Ubuntu Geek