View Full Version : 'unemployed' willis joins letterman's band

01-19-2008, 07:59 PM
BRUCE WILLIS has found an unlikely employer in lieu of the ongoing writers strike - talk show host DAVID LETTERMAN.

The "happily unemployed" Die Hard actor made a surprise appearance on Thursday night (17Jan08) when he was introduced on Letterman's Late Show as the newest member of the show band.

Willis ad libbed vocals and played harmonica as guests including pal Sylvester Stallone were introduced.

Willis admitted a desire to show off his musical talents was not his only motivation, musing on his new gig, "I'm supporting my fellow guild members out there in Hollywood, and frankly (I'm) just a little tired of freezing my balls off out there on the picket line."

The Writers Guild of America union members have been striking over new media royalties since November


01-19-2008, 08:38 PM