View Full Version : Crush at work

01-25-2008, 03:45 PM
This guy has a crush on a girl at his work.

He is dying to ask her out on a date, but every time he sees her he gets the biggest erection ever. There is nothing he can do to control it.

After some time, he decides to get her phone number and call her up. This way he won't have to see her and he won't get too excited.

He ends up asking her out and she says yes.

He figures what he'll do is tie his penis to his leg so when he sees her it'll be tied to his leg and she'll never notice it.

He gets to her house.

When he knocks on her door, she answers the door in a sheer teddy.

He kicks her in the face.

Bad Boy
01-25-2008, 05:56 PM
lol... dumb guy... :P